3 Leibniz Summer Fellowships in the field of “German and/or European (including Eastern European) History in the Twentieth Century.”

The Leibniz-Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung Potsdam / Leibniz Centre for Contemporary History Potsdam (ZZF) is pleased to invite applications for three

Leibniz Summer Fellowships in the field of “German and/or European (including Eastern European) History in the Twentieth Century.”

These two-month fellowships provide an opportunity to pursue individual research in Germany while participating in the academic life of one of Germany’s major historical research centres.

Handwerk im Gepäck


Thomas Schaarschmidt hält Eröffnungsvortrag für Ausstellung zu geflüchteten DDR-Handwerkern im Haus des Handwerks in Magdeburg.