
Frank Bösch


Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 1.32
Phone: 0331/28991-57
Fax: 0331/28991-40
Email: sekretariat [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Jürgen Danyel

Deputy director, Head of department III

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 2.36
Phone: 0331/28991-26
Fax: 0331/28991-40
Email: danyel [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Brigitte Merz

Head of Administration

office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 0.33
phone: 0331/28991-54
fax: 0331/28991-40
E-Mail: brigitte.merz [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Hanno Hochmuth

Executive Manager and Research Fellow

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 1.33
Phone: 0331-28991-58
Fax: 0331-28991-40
E-Mail: hochmuth [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Lars Hübner


Office: First floor, room 1.23
Phone: 0331/28991-57
Fax: 0331/28991-40
Email: lars.huebner [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 1.23
Phone: 0331/28991-57
Fax: 0331/28991-40
Email: sekretariat [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Emilia Chelsea Graff

Student Assistant (BA)

office: Am Neuen Markt 1
E-Mail: emilia.graff [at] zzf-potsdam.de

office: Am Neuen Markt 1, Room: 1.29
E-Mail: marcel.matthes [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Abteilung I – Kommunismus und Gesellschaft

Juliane Fürst

Head of Department I

Office: Am Neuen Markt 9d, room 1.01
Phone: 0331/74510-117
Fax: 0331/74510-143
Email: fuerst [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Jens Gieseke

Head of Department I

Office: Am Neuen Markt 9d, room 1.08
Phone: 0331/74510-124
Fax: 0331/74510-143 Email: gieseke [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Jan C. Behrends

Research Fellow

Office: Am Neuen Markt 9d, room 1.02
Phone: 0331/74510-136
Fax: 0331/74510-143
Email: behrends [at] zzf-potsdam.de

office: Am Neuen Markt 9d, room 1.23
phone: 0331/74510-114
E-Mail: alyona.bidenko [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Stefanie Eisenhuth

Research Associate

Email: eisenhuth [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Daria Ganzenko

Research Associate / Doctoral Candidate

office: Am Neuen Markt 9d, room 1.23
Tel.: 0331/74510-114
Fax: 0331/74510-143
E-Mail: daria.ganzenko [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Irina Gordeeva

Research associate

Office: Am Neuen Markt 9d, room 1.22 
Phone.: 0331/74510-111
Fax: 0331/74510-143
E-Mail: gordeeva [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Stephanie Karmann

Assistant to the head of Department I

Office: Am Neuen Markt 9d, room 1.09
Phone: 0331/74510-120
Fax: 0331/74510-143
Email: karmann [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Francis Kirk

Research Associate / Doctoral Candidate

office: Am Neuer Markt 9d, room 1.23
phone: 0331/74510-114
email: francis.kirk [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Dora Komnenovic

Research Associate

office: Am Neuen Markt 9d, room 1.09
phone: 0331/74510-125
E-Mail: dora.komnenovic [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Corinna Kuhr-Korolev

Research associate

Office: Am Neuen Markt 9d, Raum 1.07
Tel.: 0331 74510-123
Fax: 0331 74510-143
E-Mail: kuhr-korolev [at] zzf-potsdam.de

personal website: https://istfakt.com/


Evgenia Lezina

Research associate

office: Am Neuen Markt 9d, room E.06
phone: 0331/74510-138
fax:      0331/74510-143
E-Mail: lezina [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Jakob Mühle

Associate researcher/Doctoral candidate

Büro: Am Neuen Markt 9d, Raum 1.03
Tel.: 0331/74510-118
Fax: 0331/74510-143
E-Mail: jakob.muehle [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Margarita Pavlova

Assistant - Project ERC

office: Am Neuen Markt 9d, room 1.09
phone: 0331/74510-125
E-Mail: margarita.pavlova [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Abigail Scripka

Research Associate / Doctoral Candidate

Office: Am Neuer Markt 9d, Room 1.23 
Phone.: 0331/74510-114 
Fax: 0331/74510-143 
E-Mail: scripka [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Evgen Zinger

Research associate/Doctoral candidate

E-Mail: evgen.zinger [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Christoph Becker-Schaum

Associated researcher

EMail: becker-schaum [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Lara Büchel

Scholar/doctoral candidate

Office: Am Neuen Markt 9d, room 1.03
Phone: 0331/74510-118
Fax: 0331/74510-143
Email: buechel [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Kateryna Chernii

Associated doctoral candidate

Office: Am Neuen Markt 9d, room 1.00
Phone: 0331 74510-119
Fax: 0331 74510-143
Email: chernii [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Maren Francke

Associated doctoral candidate

Office: Am Neuen Markt 9d, room 1.00
Phone: 0331 74510-119
Fax: 0331 74510-143
Email: francke [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Antonia Gäbler

Associated doctoral candidate

office: Am Neuen Markt 9d, room 1.03
phone: 0331/74510-118
fax: 0331/74510-43
E-Mail: antonia.gaebler [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Ralf Hoffrogge

associated researcher

Office: Am Neuen Markt 9d, room 1.24
Phone.: 0331/74510-115
Fax: 0331/74510-143

E-Mail: hoffrogge [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Dorothea Horas

Associated doctoral candidate

E-Mail: dorothea.horas [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Dorothea Horas successfully completed her dissertation on January 31, 2024.

Julia Hörath

Associated researcher

E-Mail: julia.hoerath [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Olha Korniienko

Associated researcher

Office: Am Neuen Markt 9d, room 1.24
Phone: 0331/74510-115
E-Mail: olha.korniienko [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Anna Murashova

Associated doctoral candidate

office: Am Neuen Markt 9d, room 1.24
phone: 0049 331 74510-115
E-Mail: anna.murashova [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Florian Schikowski

Associated doctoral candidate

Office: Am Neuen Markt 9d, room 1.04
Fax: 0331/74510-143
Email: schikowski [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Henrike Voigtländer

Associated doctoral candidate

E-Mail: voigtlaender [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Henrike Voigtländer successfully completed her dissertation on November 8, 2022.

Anna Warda

Associated doctoral candidate

Office: Am Neuen Markt 9d, room 1.09
Email: warda [at] zzf-potsdam.de

office: Am Neuen Markt 9d, room 1.04
E-Mail: alexander.elspass [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Arkadii Mazur

Studentische assistant

office: Am Neuen Markt 9d, room 1.02

E-Mail: arkadii.mazur [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Annette Steyn

Student assistant (M.A.)

E-Mail: annette.steyn [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Abteilung II – Wissen - Wirtschaft – Politik

Rüdiger Graf

Head of department II

Office: Am Neuen Markt 9d, room 2.00
Phone.: 0331/74510-129
Fax: 0331/74510-143
E-Mail: graf [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Christopher Neumaier

Research associate

Office: Am Neuen Markt 9d, room 2.02
Phone: 0331/74510-135
Fax: 0331/74510-143
Email: neumaier [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Ralf Ahrens

Research associate

Office: Am Neuen Markt 9d, room 2.04
Phone: 0331/74510-137
Fax: 0331/74510-143
Email: ahrens [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Jary Koch

Research asssociate/Doctoral candidate

E-Mail: jary.koch [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Désirée Schauz

Research associate

E-Mail: desiree.schauz [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Simon Specht

Doctoral researcher

Office: Am Neuen Markt 9d, Room E.08
Phone: +49 (331) 74510 134
E-Mail: simon.specht [at] zzf-potsdam.de

André Steiner

Research associate

Office: Am Neuen Markt 9d, room 2.03
Phone: 0331/74510-130
Fax: 0331/74510-143
Email: steiner [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Christopher Banditt

Associated doctoral candidate

Office: Am Neuen Markt 9d, room E.09
Email: banditt [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Agnes Bauer

Associated doctoral candidate

E-Mail: agnes.bauer [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Stefan Jehne

Associated doctoral candidate

office: Am Neuen Markt 9d, room E.10
phone: 0331/74510-126
Fax: 0331/74510-143
E-Mail: jehne [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Laura Kaiser

Associated doctoral candidate

office: Am Neuen Markt 9d, room E.05 
phone: 0331/74510-139
fax: 0331/74510-143
E-Mail: kaiser [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Thomas Lettang

Associated doctoral candidate

Office: Am Neuen Markt 9d, room E.05
Phone: +49 331 74510-139
Fax: +49 331 74510-143
E-Mail: lettang [at] zzf-potsdam.de


Jan-Henrik Meyer

Associated researcher

E-Mail: meyer [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Florian Schmaltz

Associated researcher

office: Am Neuen Markt 9d, room E.09
E-Mail: florian.schmaltz [at] zzf-posdam.de

Stefan Seefelder

Associated doctoral candidate

office: Am Neuen Markt 9d, room E.10
phone: 0331/74510-126
Fax: 0331/74510-143
E-Mail: seefelder [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Lena Senoner

Associated doctoral candidate

E-Mail: senoner [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room
Phone: +49 (0) 331 28991-56
E-Mail: julian-dakota.bock [at] zzf-potsdam.de

office: Am Neuen Markt x, room y.z phone: 0331/28991- fax: 0331/28991-40 E-Mail: xyz [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Bettine Rau

Student assistant

office: Am Neuen Markt 9d, room
E-Mail: bettine.rau [at] zzf-potsdam.de

office: Am Neuen Markt 9d, room 2.00
E-Mail: katharina.wegmann [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Abteilung III – Medien- und Informationsgesellschaft

Annette Vowinckel

Head of department III

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 2.23
Phone: 0331/28991-28
Email: vowinckel [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Jürgen Danyel

Deputy director, Head of department III

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 2.36
Phone: 0331/28991-26
Fax: 0331/28991-40
Email: danyel [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Christine Bartlitz

Editor-in-chief Docupedia-Zeitgeschichte and Visual History

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 2.16
Phone: 0331/28991-14
Email: bartlitz [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Judith Berthold

Assistant to the head of department III, library employee

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 2.15
Tel.: 0331/28991-48, 0331/74510-132
E-Mail: berthold [at] zzf-potsdam.de

office: Am Neuen Markt x, room y.z phone: 0331/28991- fax: 0331/28991-40 E-Mail: caroline.boisten [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Karsten Borgmann


Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, Raum 2.32
Tel.: 0331/28991-16
E-Mail: borgmann [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Christoph Classen

Research associate

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 2.31
Phone: 0331/28991-17
Fax: 0331/28991-40
Email: classen [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Lieven Ebeling


Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 2.32
Phone: 0331/28991-43
Fax: 0331/28991-40
Email: lieven.ebeling [at] zzf-potsdam.de

E-Mail: tobias.eder [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Isabel Enzenbach

Research associate

E-Mail: isabel.enzenbach [at] zzf-potsdam.de
E-Mail: fotografie [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Franziska Ernst

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin

office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 2.15

E-Mail: franziska.ernst [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Lea Frese-Renner

Research associate/doctoral candidate

office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 1.29
phone: 0331/28991-79
E-Mail: frese-renner [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Svea Hammerle

Associate PhD Student

E-Mail: svea.hammerle [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Frederike Heinitz is on parental leave until 05.11.2024


Michael Homberg

Research Associate

Priv.-Doz. Dr Michael Homberg is on leave from 1.4.-31.7.2024 and represents the Professur für die Geschichte der Neuzeit (19.-21. Jh.) mit ihren Wissens- und Technikkulturen at the RWTH Aachen.

E-Mail: homberg [at] zzf-potsdam.de


Jan-Holger Kirsch

Editor for Zeithistorische Forschungen and H-Soz-Kult

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 2.33
Phone: 0331/28991-18
Email: kirsch [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Nina Neuscheler

Research associate/Doctoral candidate

Büro: Am Neuen Markt 1

E-Mail: nina.neuscheler[at]zzf-potsdam.de

Nikolai Okunew

Research associate

Email: okunew [at] zzf-potsdam.de


Lennart V. Schmidt

Research Associate / doctoral candidate

E-Mail: lennart.schmidt [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Annette Schuhmann

Research associate/Editor for Zeitgeschichte online

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 2.33
Phone: 0331/28991-19
Fax: 0331/28991-40
Email: schuhmann [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Elena Stingl

Research associate

E-Mail: elena.stingl [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Anja Tack

Research associate

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 0.01
Phone: +49 331 289 91 47
mobile: +49 176 60 88 65 70
Email: tack [at] zzf-potsdam.de
E-Mail: fotografie [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Julia Dellith

Associated doctoral candidate

E-Mail: julia.dellith [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Axel Doßmann

Associated researcher

E-Mail: axel.dossmann [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Lena Herenz

Associated doctoral candidate

E-Mail: lena.herenz [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Tom Koltermann

Associated doctoral candidate

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 1.29
Phone: 0331/28991-79
Email: koltermann [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Tom Koltermann successfully completed his doctorate at the University of Potsdam on 17 April 2024.

Jens Kraushaar

Associated doctoral candidate

E-Mail: jens.kraushaar [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Robert Mueller-Stahl

Associated doctoral candidate

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, Room: 2.30
mobil: +49179/4366463
E-Mail: mueller-stahl [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Violetta Rudolf

Associated doctoral candidate

Email: rudolf [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Elke Sieber

Associated doctoral candidate

E-Mail: sieber [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Sandra Starke

Associated doctoral candidate

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 1.29
Phone: 0331/28991-32
EMail: starke [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Wiebke Zeil

Associated doctoral candidate

E-Mail: wiebke.zeil [at] zzf-potsdam.de

office: Am Neuen Markt x, room y.z phone: 0331/28991- fax: 0331/28991-40 E-Mail: xyz [at] zzf-potsdam.de

office: Am Neuen Markt x, room y.z phone: 0331/28991- fax: 0331/28991-40 E-Mail: xyz [at] zzf-potsdam.de

office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 2.13

E-Mail: leo-maurice.mertel [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Björn Schneider


Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, Room 2.32

Tel.: 0331/28991-99
E-Mail: bjoern.schneider [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Iulia-Maria Sucutardean

Student assistent (B.A.)

office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 

Marie Luise Wallroth

Student assistant (B.A.)

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1
E-Mail: marie-luise.wallroth [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Abteilung IV – Regime des Sozialen

Jutta Braun

Head of Department IV

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 0.17b
Phone: 0331/28991-39
Fax: 0331/28991-40
Email: braun [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Winfried Süß

Head of Department IV

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 0.17a
Phone: 0331/28991-71
Fax: 0331/28991-40
Email: suess [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Renske de Vries

Research associate

office: Am Neuen Markt 1

Email: renske.devries [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Laura Haßler

Scholar/doctoral candidate

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1
Tel: 0331/28991-45
E-Mail: laura.hassler [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Elisabeth Kimmerle

Research Associate/Doctoral Candidate

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 0.19
Phone: 0331/28991-35
Fax: 0331/28991-40
E-Mail: kimmerle [at] zzf-potsdam.de


Vincent Kleinbub

Scholar/Doctoral candidate

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, Raum 0.13
Tel.: 0331/28991-41
E-Mail: vincent.kleinbub [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Dominik Rigoll

Research associate

Phone: 0331/74510-121
Fax: 0331/74510-143
Email: rigoll [at] zzf-potsdam.de 

Jakob Saß

Scholar/Doctoral candidate

office: Am Neuen Markt 1
E-Mail: sass [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Thomas Schaarschmidt

Research associate

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 0.18
Phone: 0049-331/28991-25
Fax: 0049-331/28991-40
Email: schaarschmidt [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Katharina Thießen

Associated doctoral candidate

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 0.13
Phone: 0331/28991-41
Fax: 0331/28991-40
E-Mail: katharina.thiessen [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Lukas Doil

Associated doctoral student

Büro: Am Neuen Markt 1, Raum 0.19
E-Mail: lukas.doil@zzf-potsdam.de

Till Goßmann

Associated doctoral candidate

E-Mail: till.gossmann [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Christina Häberle

Associated doctoral candidate

office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 0.19
phone: 0331/28991-35
e-mail: haeberle [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Jessica Hall

Associate PhD Candidate

Büro: Am Neuen Markt 1, Raum 0.19

E-Mail: Jessica.Hall [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Marie Müller-Zetzsche

Research associate

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, Room 1.17
E-Mail: mueller-zetzsche [at] uni-potsdam.de

Aline Munkewitz

Associated doctoral candidate

Email: munkewitz [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Aline Munkewitz successfully completed her dissertation at the University of Rostock on January 19, 2023.

Darius Muschiol

Associated doctoral candidate

E-Mail: darius.muschiol [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Darius Muschiol successfully completed his dissertation on January 31, 2024.

Konstantin Neumann

Scholar/doctoral candidate

E-Mail: konstantin.neumann [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Caroline Peters

Associated doctoral candidate

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 1.21
Email: caroline.peters [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Alexia Pooth

Associated researcher

E-Mail: alexia.pooth [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Juliane Röleke

Associated doctoral candidate

office: Am Neuen Markt 9d, room 2.02
E-Mail: roeleke [at] zzf-potsdam.de

René Schlott

Research associate

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, Kabinettshaus 1.16
Phone: 0331/74510-174
Fax: 0331/74510-143
Email: schlott [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Maximilian Arrouas

Student assistant (B.A.)

office: Am Neuen Markt 1
E-Mail: maximilian.arrouas [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Larissa Binnebesel

Student assistant (BA)

E-Mail: larissa.binnebesel [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Johanna Kehne

Student assistant (BA)

E-Mail: johanna.kehne [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Antonius Milsch

Student Assistant

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1
E-Mail: antonius.milsch [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Sebastian Stahl

Assistant student (B.Sc.)

E-Mail: sebastian.stahl [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Abteilung V

Isabella Löhr

Head Department V

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1
Phone: +49/331/28991-15
E-Mail: isabella.loehr [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Bodie Ashton

Research associate

office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 1.21
phone: 0331/28991-80
E-Mail: bodie.ashton [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Lee Holt

Research Associate

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1
Tel.: 0331/28991-52
E-Mail: lee.holt [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Sophie Lange

Research Associate

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, Raum 1.06
phone: 0331/28991-53
fax: 0331/28991-40
E-Mail: sophie.lange [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Nico Putz

Research associate/Doctoral candidate

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1
Phone: 0331/28991-78
E-Mail: nico.putz [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Ned Richardson-Little

Research associate

office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 1.06
E-Mail: richardson-little [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Carolyn Taratko

Research Associate

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 1.01
phone: 0331/28991-78
E-Mail: carolyn.taratko [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Sarah Frenking

Assoziierte Wissenschaftlerin

E-Mail: sarah.frenking [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Tristan Oestermann

Associated researcher

office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 1.21
Tel.: 0331/28991-80
E-Mail: tristan.oestermann [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Dominic Sauerbrey

Associated doctoral candidate

E-Mail: dominic.sauerbrey [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Tilmann Siebeneichner

Associated researcher

Email: siebeneichner [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 1.01
E-Mail: caroline.elfe [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Johanna Niermann

Student Assistant (BA)

office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room
E-Mail: Johanna.niermann [at] zzf-potsdam.de



Achim Saupe

Coordinator of the Leibniz Research Alliance "Value of the Past"

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 0.04
Phone: 0331/28991-44
Fax: 0331/28991-40

Email: saupe [at] zzf-potsdam.de


Martin Sabrow

Spokesperson of the Leibniz Research Alliance "Wert der Vergangenheit"

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room EG 0.05
Phone: +49 331/28991-57
Fax: +49 331/28991-40
E-Mail: sabrow [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Katja Stopka

Research associate / Head of the publications departement at the Centre for Contemporary History Potsdam

Office: Am Neuen Markt 9d, room 2.01
Phone: 0331/74510-128
Fax: 0331/74510-143
Email: stopka [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Susannah Eckersley

Associated researcher

office: Am Neuen Markt 9d, room E.18
phone: 0331/74510-140
E-Mail: Susannah.Eckersley [at] newcastle.ac.uk

Andreas Ludwig

Associated researcher

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 0.01
Mobile: 0049-(0)177-2123408
Fax: 0331/28991-40
Email: ludwig [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Christian Breuer

Student assistant

E-Mail: christian.breuer [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Miriam Pütz

Student assistant (BA)

E-Mail: miriam.puetz [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Jakob Schlieper

Student assistant (B.A.)

E-Mail: jakob.schlieper [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Jan-Niklas Welling

Student Assistant

office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 
phone: 0331/28991-
E-Mail: jan-niklas.welling [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Public History

Irmgard Zündorf

Head of the area Public History

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 0.21
Phone: 0331/28991-13
Fax: 0331/28991-40
Email: zuendorf [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Petra Haustein

research associate in the Network Contemporary history. Memorial sites - Science - civil society

office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 0.05
E-Mail: petra.haustein [at] zzf-potsdam.de; Haustein [at] stiftung-bg.de

Dominik Juhnke

Associated researcher

Email: juhnke [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Elke Kimmel

Associated researcher

E-Mail: elke.kimmel [at] zzf-potsdam.de
Tel.: 0179 7466344

Ellen Pupeter

Associated doctoral candidate

E-Mail: pupeter [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Emilia Chelsea Graff

Student Assistant (BA)

office: Am Neuen Markt 1
E-Mail: emilia.graff [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Christin Haubenreißer

Student Assistant (B.A.)

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, Room 0.21

E-Mail: christin.haubenreisser [at] zzf-potsdam.de


Florian Völker

Research associate/Representation of the head of "Public Relations"/Coordinator of the junior scholar program

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 0.29
Phone: 0331-28991-31
Email: voelker [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Web: www.popgeschichte.de


Katja Stopka

Research associate / Head of the publications departement at the Centre for Contemporary History Potsdam

Office: Am Neuen Markt 9d, room 2.01
Phone: 0331/74510-128
Fax: 0331/74510-143
Email: stopka [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Jens Brinkmann


Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 2.14
Phone: 0331/28991-42
Fax: 0331/28991-40
Email: brinkmann [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Sabrina Runge

Student Assistant (B.A.)

office: Am Neuen Markt 9d, room 2.01 
E-Mail: sabrina.runge [at] zzf-potsdam.de


Johannes Mengel

Head of the Department Public Relations

Johannes Mengel is on parental leave until 27.09.2024.
E-Mail: johannes.mengel [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Marion Schlöttke

Public Relations employee

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 0.30
Phone: 0331/28991-51
Fax: 0331/28991-40
Email: schloettke [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Florian Völker

Research associate/Representation of the head of "Public Relations"/Coordinator of the junior scholar program

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 0.29
Phone: 0331-28991-31
Email: voelker [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Web: www.popgeschichte.de

office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 0.30

adina.schuster [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Leo Walther

Student Assistant (BA)

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 0.30


Helen Thein-Peitsch

Head of the library

Office: ZZF library, Am Neuen Markt 9d
Phone: 0331/74510-132

E-Mail: thein [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Judith Berthold

Assistant to the head of department III, library employee

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 2.15
Tel.: 0331/28991-48, 0331/74510-132
E-Mail: berthold [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Marco Schein

Library employee

Office: ZZF library, Am Neuen Markt 9d
Phone: 0331/74510-132
E-Mail: schein [at] zzf-potsdam.de



Tabea Hahn

Student assistant

office: ZZF library, Am Neuen Markt 9d
E-Mail: tabea.hahn [at] zzf-potsdam.de


Brigitte Merz

Head of Administration

office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 0.33
phone: 0331/28991-54
fax: 0331/28991-40
E-Mail: brigitte.merz [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Kerstin Borg

Management executive finances

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 0.32
Phone: 0331/28991-24
Fax: 0331/28991-40
Email: borg [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Angela Dittrich

Management executive

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 0.35
Phone: 0331/28991-10
Fax: 0331/28991-40
Email: dittrich [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Heike Füger

Management executive

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 0.32
Phone: 0331/28991-12
Fax: 0331/28991-40
Email: fueger [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Janis Kirmes


office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 0.32
phone: 0331/28991-29
fax: 0331/28991-40
E-Mail: janis.kirmes [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Jochen Passehl

House technician

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 0.23
Phone: 0331/28991-49
Fax: 0331/28991-40
E-Mail: jochen.passehl [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Antje Schmidt

Management executive

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 0.35
Phone: 0331/28991-11
Fax: 0331/28991-40
Email: schmidt [at] zzf-potsdam.de


Frank Bösch


Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 1.32
Phone: 0331/28991-57
Fax: 0331/28991-40
Email: sekretariat [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Jürgen Danyel

Deputy director, Head of department III

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 2.36
Phone: 0331/28991-26
Fax: 0331/28991-40
Email: danyel [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Brigitte Merz

Head of Administration

office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 0.33
phone: 0331/28991-54
fax: 0331/28991-40
E-Mail: brigitte.merz [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Hanno Hochmuth

Executive Manager and Research Fellow

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 1.33
Phone: 0331-28991-58
Fax: 0331-28991-40
E-Mail: hochmuth [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Lars Hübner


Office: First floor, room 1.23
Phone: 0331/28991-57
Fax: 0331/28991-40
Email: lars.huebner [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 1.23
Phone: 0331/28991-57
Fax: 0331/28991-40
Email: sekretariat [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Emilia Chelsea Graff

Student Assistant (BA)

office: Am Neuen Markt 1
E-Mail: emilia.graff [at] zzf-potsdam.de

office: Am Neuen Markt 1, Room: 1.29
E-Mail: marcel.matthes [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Abteilung I – Kommunismus und Gesellschaft

Juliane Fürst

Head of Department I

Office: Am Neuen Markt 9d, room 1.01
Phone: 0331/74510-117
Fax: 0331/74510-143
Email: fuerst [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Jens Gieseke

Head of Department I

Office: Am Neuen Markt 9d, room 1.08
Phone: 0331/74510-124
Fax: 0331/74510-143 Email: gieseke [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Jan C. Behrends

Research Fellow

Office: Am Neuen Markt 9d, room 1.02
Phone: 0331/74510-136
Fax: 0331/74510-143
Email: behrends [at] zzf-potsdam.de

office: Am Neuen Markt 9d, room 1.23
phone: 0331/74510-114
E-Mail: alyona.bidenko [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Stefanie Eisenhuth

Research Associate

Email: eisenhuth [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Daria Ganzenko

Research Associate / Doctoral Candidate

office: Am Neuen Markt 9d, room 1.23
Tel.: 0331/74510-114
Fax: 0331/74510-143
E-Mail: daria.ganzenko [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Irina Gordeeva

Research associate

Office: Am Neuen Markt 9d, room 1.22 
Phone.: 0331/74510-111
Fax: 0331/74510-143
E-Mail: gordeeva [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Stephanie Karmann

Assistant to the head of Department I

Office: Am Neuen Markt 9d, room 1.09
Phone: 0331/74510-120
Fax: 0331/74510-143
Email: karmann [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Francis Kirk

Research Associate / Doctoral Candidate

office: Am Neuer Markt 9d, room 1.23
phone: 0331/74510-114
email: francis.kirk [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Dora Komnenovic

Research Associate

office: Am Neuen Markt 9d, room 1.09
phone: 0331/74510-125
E-Mail: dora.komnenovic [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Corinna Kuhr-Korolev

Research associate

Office: Am Neuen Markt 9d, Raum 1.07
Tel.: 0331 74510-123
Fax: 0331 74510-143
E-Mail: kuhr-korolev [at] zzf-potsdam.de

personal website: https://istfakt.com/


Evgenia Lezina

Research associate

office: Am Neuen Markt 9d, room E.06
phone: 0331/74510-138
fax:      0331/74510-143
E-Mail: lezina [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Jakob Mühle

Associate researcher/Doctoral candidate

Büro: Am Neuen Markt 9d, Raum 1.03
Tel.: 0331/74510-118
Fax: 0331/74510-143
E-Mail: jakob.muehle [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Margarita Pavlova

Assistant - Project ERC

office: Am Neuen Markt 9d, room 1.09
phone: 0331/74510-125
E-Mail: margarita.pavlova [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Abigail Scripka

Research Associate / Doctoral Candidate

Office: Am Neuer Markt 9d, Room 1.23 
Phone.: 0331/74510-114 
Fax: 0331/74510-143 
E-Mail: scripka [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Evgen Zinger

Research associate/Doctoral candidate

E-Mail: evgen.zinger [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Christoph Becker-Schaum

Associated researcher

EMail: becker-schaum [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Lara Büchel

Scholar/doctoral candidate

Office: Am Neuen Markt 9d, room 1.03
Phone: 0331/74510-118
Fax: 0331/74510-143
Email: buechel [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Kateryna Chernii

Associated doctoral candidate

Office: Am Neuen Markt 9d, room 1.00
Phone: 0331 74510-119
Fax: 0331 74510-143
Email: chernii [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Maren Francke

Associated doctoral candidate

Office: Am Neuen Markt 9d, room 1.00
Phone: 0331 74510-119
Fax: 0331 74510-143
Email: francke [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Antonia Gäbler

Associated doctoral candidate

office: Am Neuen Markt 9d, room 1.03
phone: 0331/74510-118
fax: 0331/74510-43
E-Mail: antonia.gaebler [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Ralf Hoffrogge

associated researcher

Office: Am Neuen Markt 9d, room 1.24
Phone.: 0331/74510-115
Fax: 0331/74510-143

E-Mail: hoffrogge [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Dorothea Horas

Associated doctoral candidate

E-Mail: dorothea.horas [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Dorothea Horas successfully completed her dissertation on January 31, 2024.

Julia Hörath

Associated researcher

E-Mail: julia.hoerath [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Olha Korniienko

Associated researcher

Office: Am Neuen Markt 9d, room 1.24
Phone: 0331/74510-115
E-Mail: olha.korniienko [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Anna Murashova

Associated doctoral candidate

office: Am Neuen Markt 9d, room 1.24
phone: 0049 331 74510-115
E-Mail: anna.murashova [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Florian Schikowski

Associated doctoral candidate

Office: Am Neuen Markt 9d, room 1.04
Fax: 0331/74510-143
Email: schikowski [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Henrike Voigtländer

Associated doctoral candidate

E-Mail: voigtlaender [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Henrike Voigtländer successfully completed her dissertation on November 8, 2022.

Anna Warda

Associated doctoral candidate

Office: Am Neuen Markt 9d, room 1.09
Email: warda [at] zzf-potsdam.de

office: Am Neuen Markt 9d, room 1.04
E-Mail: alexander.elspass [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Arkadii Mazur

Studentische assistant

office: Am Neuen Markt 9d, room 1.02

E-Mail: arkadii.mazur [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Annette Steyn

Student assistant (M.A.)

E-Mail: annette.steyn [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Abteilung II – Wissen - Wirtschaft – Politik

Rüdiger Graf

Head of department II

Office: Am Neuen Markt 9d, room 2.00
Phone.: 0331/74510-129
Fax: 0331/74510-143
E-Mail: graf [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Christopher Neumaier

Research associate

Office: Am Neuen Markt 9d, room 2.02
Phone: 0331/74510-135
Fax: 0331/74510-143
Email: neumaier [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Ralf Ahrens

Research associate

Office: Am Neuen Markt 9d, room 2.04
Phone: 0331/74510-137
Fax: 0331/74510-143
Email: ahrens [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Jary Koch

Research asssociate/Doctoral candidate

E-Mail: jary.koch [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Désirée Schauz

Research associate

E-Mail: desiree.schauz [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Simon Specht

Doctoral researcher

Office: Am Neuen Markt 9d, Room E.08
Phone: +49 (331) 74510 134
E-Mail: simon.specht [at] zzf-potsdam.de

André Steiner

Research associate

Office: Am Neuen Markt 9d, room 2.03
Phone: 0331/74510-130
Fax: 0331/74510-143
Email: steiner [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Christopher Banditt

Associated doctoral candidate

Office: Am Neuen Markt 9d, room E.09
Email: banditt [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Agnes Bauer

Associated doctoral candidate

E-Mail: agnes.bauer [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Stefan Jehne

Associated doctoral candidate

office: Am Neuen Markt 9d, room E.10
phone: 0331/74510-126
Fax: 0331/74510-143
E-Mail: jehne [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Laura Kaiser

Associated doctoral candidate

office: Am Neuen Markt 9d, room E.05 
phone: 0331/74510-139
fax: 0331/74510-143
E-Mail: kaiser [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Thomas Lettang

Associated doctoral candidate

Office: Am Neuen Markt 9d, room E.05
Phone: +49 331 74510-139
Fax: +49 331 74510-143
E-Mail: lettang [at] zzf-potsdam.de


Jan-Henrik Meyer

Associated researcher

E-Mail: meyer [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Florian Schmaltz

Associated researcher

office: Am Neuen Markt 9d, room E.09
E-Mail: florian.schmaltz [at] zzf-posdam.de

Stefan Seefelder

Associated doctoral candidate

office: Am Neuen Markt 9d, room E.10
phone: 0331/74510-126
Fax: 0331/74510-143
E-Mail: seefelder [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Lena Senoner

Associated doctoral candidate

E-Mail: senoner [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room
Phone: +49 (0) 331 28991-56
E-Mail: julian-dakota.bock [at] zzf-potsdam.de

office: Am Neuen Markt x, room y.z phone: 0331/28991- fax: 0331/28991-40 E-Mail: xyz [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Bettine Rau

Student assistant

office: Am Neuen Markt 9d, room
E-Mail: bettine.rau [at] zzf-potsdam.de

office: Am Neuen Markt 9d, room 2.00
E-Mail: katharina.wegmann [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Abteilung III – Medien- und Informationsgesellschaft

Annette Vowinckel

Head of department III

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 2.23
Phone: 0331/28991-28
Email: vowinckel [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Jürgen Danyel

Deputy director, Head of department III

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 2.36
Phone: 0331/28991-26
Fax: 0331/28991-40
Email: danyel [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Christine Bartlitz

Editor-in-chief Docupedia-Zeitgeschichte and Visual History

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 2.16
Phone: 0331/28991-14
Email: bartlitz [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Judith Berthold

Assistant to the head of department III, library employee

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 2.15
Tel.: 0331/28991-48, 0331/74510-132
E-Mail: berthold [at] zzf-potsdam.de

office: Am Neuen Markt x, room y.z phone: 0331/28991- fax: 0331/28991-40 E-Mail: caroline.boisten [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Karsten Borgmann


Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, Raum 2.32
Tel.: 0331/28991-16
E-Mail: borgmann [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Christoph Classen

Research associate

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 2.31
Phone: 0331/28991-17
Fax: 0331/28991-40
Email: classen [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Lieven Ebeling


Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 2.32
Phone: 0331/28991-43
Fax: 0331/28991-40
Email: lieven.ebeling [at] zzf-potsdam.de

E-Mail: tobias.eder [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Isabel Enzenbach

Research associate

E-Mail: isabel.enzenbach [at] zzf-potsdam.de
E-Mail: fotografie [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Franziska Ernst

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin

office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 2.15

E-Mail: franziska.ernst [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Lea Frese-Renner

Research associate/doctoral candidate

office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 1.29
phone: 0331/28991-79
E-Mail: frese-renner [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Svea Hammerle

Associate PhD Student

E-Mail: svea.hammerle [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Frederike Heinitz is on parental leave until 05.11.2024


Michael Homberg

Research Associate

Priv.-Doz. Dr Michael Homberg is on leave from 1.4.-31.7.2024 and represents the Professur für die Geschichte der Neuzeit (19.-21. Jh.) mit ihren Wissens- und Technikkulturen at the RWTH Aachen.

E-Mail: homberg [at] zzf-potsdam.de


Jan-Holger Kirsch

Editor for Zeithistorische Forschungen and H-Soz-Kult

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 2.33
Phone: 0331/28991-18
Email: kirsch [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Nina Neuscheler

Research associate/Doctoral candidate

Büro: Am Neuen Markt 1

E-Mail: nina.neuscheler[at]zzf-potsdam.de

Nikolai Okunew

Research associate

Email: okunew [at] zzf-potsdam.de


Lennart V. Schmidt

Research Associate / doctoral candidate

E-Mail: lennart.schmidt [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Annette Schuhmann

Research associate/Editor for Zeitgeschichte online

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 2.33
Phone: 0331/28991-19
Fax: 0331/28991-40
Email: schuhmann [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Elena Stingl

Research associate

E-Mail: elena.stingl [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Anja Tack

Research associate

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 0.01
Phone: +49 331 289 91 47
mobile: +49 176 60 88 65 70
Email: tack [at] zzf-potsdam.de
E-Mail: fotografie [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Julia Dellith

Associated doctoral candidate

E-Mail: julia.dellith [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Axel Doßmann

Associated researcher

E-Mail: axel.dossmann [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Lena Herenz

Associated doctoral candidate

E-Mail: lena.herenz [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Tom Koltermann

Associated doctoral candidate

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 1.29
Phone: 0331/28991-79
Email: koltermann [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Tom Koltermann successfully completed his doctorate at the University of Potsdam on 17 April 2024.

Jens Kraushaar

Associated doctoral candidate

E-Mail: jens.kraushaar [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Robert Mueller-Stahl

Associated doctoral candidate

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, Room: 2.30
mobil: +49179/4366463
E-Mail: mueller-stahl [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Violetta Rudolf

Associated doctoral candidate

Email: rudolf [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Elke Sieber

Associated doctoral candidate

E-Mail: sieber [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Sandra Starke

Associated doctoral candidate

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 1.29
Phone: 0331/28991-32
EMail: starke [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Wiebke Zeil

Associated doctoral candidate

E-Mail: wiebke.zeil [at] zzf-potsdam.de

office: Am Neuen Markt x, room y.z phone: 0331/28991- fax: 0331/28991-40 E-Mail: xyz [at] zzf-potsdam.de

office: Am Neuen Markt x, room y.z phone: 0331/28991- fax: 0331/28991-40 E-Mail: xyz [at] zzf-potsdam.de

office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 2.13

E-Mail: leo-maurice.mertel [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Björn Schneider


Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, Room 2.32

Tel.: 0331/28991-99
E-Mail: bjoern.schneider [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Iulia-Maria Sucutardean

Student assistent (B.A.)

office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 

Marie Luise Wallroth

Student assistant (B.A.)

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1
E-Mail: marie-luise.wallroth [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Abteilung IV – Regime des Sozialen

Jutta Braun

Head of Department IV

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 0.17b
Phone: 0331/28991-39
Fax: 0331/28991-40
Email: braun [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Winfried Süß

Head of Department IV

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 0.17a
Phone: 0331/28991-71
Fax: 0331/28991-40
Email: suess [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Renske de Vries

Research associate

office: Am Neuen Markt 1

Email: renske.devries [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Laura Haßler

Scholar/doctoral candidate

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1
Tel: 0331/28991-45
E-Mail: laura.hassler [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Elisabeth Kimmerle

Research Associate/Doctoral Candidate

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 0.19
Phone: 0331/28991-35
Fax: 0331/28991-40
E-Mail: kimmerle [at] zzf-potsdam.de


Vincent Kleinbub

Scholar/Doctoral candidate

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, Raum 0.13
Tel.: 0331/28991-41
E-Mail: vincent.kleinbub [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Dominik Rigoll

Research associate

Phone: 0331/74510-121
Fax: 0331/74510-143
Email: rigoll [at] zzf-potsdam.de 

Jakob Saß

Scholar/Doctoral candidate

office: Am Neuen Markt 1
E-Mail: sass [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Thomas Schaarschmidt

Research associate

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 0.18
Phone: 0049-331/28991-25
Fax: 0049-331/28991-40
Email: schaarschmidt [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Katharina Thießen

Associated doctoral candidate

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 0.13
Phone: 0331/28991-41
Fax: 0331/28991-40
E-Mail: katharina.thiessen [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Lukas Doil

Associated doctoral student

Büro: Am Neuen Markt 1, Raum 0.19
E-Mail: lukas.doil@zzf-potsdam.de

Till Goßmann

Associated doctoral candidate

E-Mail: till.gossmann [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Christina Häberle

Associated doctoral candidate

office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 0.19
phone: 0331/28991-35
e-mail: haeberle [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Jessica Hall

Associate PhD Candidate

Büro: Am Neuen Markt 1, Raum 0.19

E-Mail: Jessica.Hall [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Marie Müller-Zetzsche

Research associate

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, Room 1.17
E-Mail: mueller-zetzsche [at] uni-potsdam.de

Aline Munkewitz

Associated doctoral candidate

Email: munkewitz [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Aline Munkewitz successfully completed her dissertation at the University of Rostock on January 19, 2023.

Darius Muschiol

Associated doctoral candidate

E-Mail: darius.muschiol [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Darius Muschiol successfully completed his dissertation on January 31, 2024.

Konstantin Neumann

Scholar/doctoral candidate

E-Mail: konstantin.neumann [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Caroline Peters

Associated doctoral candidate

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 1.21
Email: caroline.peters [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Alexia Pooth

Associated researcher

E-Mail: alexia.pooth [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Juliane Röleke

Associated doctoral candidate

office: Am Neuen Markt 9d, room 2.02
E-Mail: roeleke [at] zzf-potsdam.de

René Schlott

Research associate

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, Kabinettshaus 1.16
Phone: 0331/74510-174
Fax: 0331/74510-143
Email: schlott [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Maximilian Arrouas

Student assistant (B.A.)

office: Am Neuen Markt 1
E-Mail: maximilian.arrouas [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Larissa Binnebesel

Student assistant (BA)

E-Mail: larissa.binnebesel [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Johanna Kehne

Student assistant (BA)

E-Mail: johanna.kehne [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Antonius Milsch

Student Assistant

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1
E-Mail: antonius.milsch [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Sebastian Stahl

Assistant student (B.Sc.)

E-Mail: sebastian.stahl [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Abteilung V

Isabella Löhr

Head Department V

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1
Phone: +49/331/28991-15
E-Mail: isabella.loehr [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Bodie Ashton

Research associate

office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 1.21
phone: 0331/28991-80
E-Mail: bodie.ashton [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Lee Holt

Research Associate

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1
Tel.: 0331/28991-52
E-Mail: lee.holt [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Sophie Lange

Research Associate

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, Raum 1.06
phone: 0331/28991-53
fax: 0331/28991-40
E-Mail: sophie.lange [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Nico Putz

Research associate/Doctoral candidate

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1
Phone: 0331/28991-78
E-Mail: nico.putz [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Ned Richardson-Little

Research associate

office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 1.06
E-Mail: richardson-little [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Carolyn Taratko

Research Associate

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 1.01
phone: 0331/28991-78
E-Mail: carolyn.taratko [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Sarah Frenking

Assoziierte Wissenschaftlerin

E-Mail: sarah.frenking [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Tristan Oestermann

Associated researcher

office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 1.21
Tel.: 0331/28991-80
E-Mail: tristan.oestermann [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Dominic Sauerbrey

Associated doctoral candidate

E-Mail: dominic.sauerbrey [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Tilmann Siebeneichner

Associated researcher

Email: siebeneichner [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 1.01
E-Mail: caroline.elfe [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Johanna Niermann

Student Assistant (BA)

office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room
E-Mail: Johanna.niermann [at] zzf-potsdam.de



Achim Saupe

Coordinator of the Leibniz Research Alliance "Value of the Past"

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 0.04
Phone: 0331/28991-44
Fax: 0331/28991-40

Email: saupe [at] zzf-potsdam.de


Martin Sabrow

Spokesperson of the Leibniz Research Alliance "Wert der Vergangenheit"

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room EG 0.05
Phone: +49 331/28991-57
Fax: +49 331/28991-40
E-Mail: sabrow [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Katja Stopka

Research associate / Head of the publications departement at the Centre for Contemporary History Potsdam

Office: Am Neuen Markt 9d, room 2.01
Phone: 0331/74510-128
Fax: 0331/74510-143
Email: stopka [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Susannah Eckersley

Associated researcher

office: Am Neuen Markt 9d, room E.18
phone: 0331/74510-140
E-Mail: Susannah.Eckersley [at] newcastle.ac.uk

Andreas Ludwig

Associated researcher

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 0.01
Mobile: 0049-(0)177-2123408
Fax: 0331/28991-40
Email: ludwig [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Christian Breuer

Student assistant

E-Mail: christian.breuer [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Miriam Pütz

Student assistant (BA)

E-Mail: miriam.puetz [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Jakob Schlieper

Student assistant (B.A.)

E-Mail: jakob.schlieper [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Jan-Niklas Welling

Student Assistant

office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 
phone: 0331/28991-
E-Mail: jan-niklas.welling [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Public History

Irmgard Zündorf

Head of the area Public History

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 0.21
Phone: 0331/28991-13
Fax: 0331/28991-40
Email: zuendorf [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Petra Haustein

research associate in the Network Contemporary history. Memorial sites - Science - civil society

office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 0.05
E-Mail: petra.haustein [at] zzf-potsdam.de; Haustein [at] stiftung-bg.de

Dominik Juhnke

Associated researcher

Email: juhnke [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Elke Kimmel

Associated researcher

E-Mail: elke.kimmel [at] zzf-potsdam.de
Tel.: 0179 7466344

Ellen Pupeter

Associated doctoral candidate

E-Mail: pupeter [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Emilia Chelsea Graff

Student Assistant (BA)

office: Am Neuen Markt 1
E-Mail: emilia.graff [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Christin Haubenreißer

Student Assistant (B.A.)

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, Room 0.21

E-Mail: christin.haubenreisser [at] zzf-potsdam.de


Florian Völker

Research associate/Representation of the head of "Public Relations"/Coordinator of the junior scholar program

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 0.29
Phone: 0331-28991-31
Email: voelker [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Web: www.popgeschichte.de


Katja Stopka

Research associate / Head of the publications departement at the Centre for Contemporary History Potsdam

Office: Am Neuen Markt 9d, room 2.01
Phone: 0331/74510-128
Fax: 0331/74510-143
Email: stopka [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Jens Brinkmann


Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 2.14
Phone: 0331/28991-42
Fax: 0331/28991-40
Email: brinkmann [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Sabrina Runge

Student Assistant (B.A.)

office: Am Neuen Markt 9d, room 2.01 
E-Mail: sabrina.runge [at] zzf-potsdam.de


Johannes Mengel

Head of the Department Public Relations

Johannes Mengel is on parental leave until 27.09.2024.
E-Mail: johannes.mengel [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Marion Schlöttke

Public Relations employee

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 0.30
Phone: 0331/28991-51
Fax: 0331/28991-40
Email: schloettke [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Florian Völker

Research associate/Representation of the head of "Public Relations"/Coordinator of the junior scholar program

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 0.29
Phone: 0331-28991-31
Email: voelker [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Web: www.popgeschichte.de

office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 0.30

adina.schuster [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Leo Walther

Student Assistant (BA)

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 0.30


Helen Thein-Peitsch

Head of the library

Office: ZZF library, Am Neuen Markt 9d
Phone: 0331/74510-132

E-Mail: thein [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Judith Berthold

Assistant to the head of department III, library employee

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 2.15
Tel.: 0331/28991-48, 0331/74510-132
E-Mail: berthold [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Marco Schein

Library employee

Office: ZZF library, Am Neuen Markt 9d
Phone: 0331/74510-132
E-Mail: schein [at] zzf-potsdam.de



Tabea Hahn

Student assistant

office: ZZF library, Am Neuen Markt 9d
E-Mail: tabea.hahn [at] zzf-potsdam.de


Brigitte Merz

Head of Administration

office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 0.33
phone: 0331/28991-54
fax: 0331/28991-40
E-Mail: brigitte.merz [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Kerstin Borg

Management executive finances

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 0.32
Phone: 0331/28991-24
Fax: 0331/28991-40
Email: borg [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Angela Dittrich

Management executive

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 0.35
Phone: 0331/28991-10
Fax: 0331/28991-40
Email: dittrich [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Heike Füger

Management executive

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 0.32
Phone: 0331/28991-12
Fax: 0331/28991-40
Email: fueger [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Janis Kirmes


office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 0.32
phone: 0331/28991-29
fax: 0331/28991-40
E-Mail: janis.kirmes [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Jochen Passehl

House technician

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 0.23
Phone: 0331/28991-49
Fax: 0331/28991-40
E-Mail: jochen.passehl [at] zzf-potsdam.de

Antje Schmidt

Management executive

Office: Am Neuen Markt 1, room 0.35
Phone: 0331/28991-11
Fax: 0331/28991-40
Email: schmidt [at] zzf-potsdam.de