We have not licensed "Mars & Murrie's"® (the correct full name) - sorry! - but two cultural magazines to which we have not yet been able to provide online access in addition to the print edition: Merkur & Mittelweg 36.
Until 2016, the journal "Arbeit - Bewegung - Geschichte" was called „JahrBuch für Forschungen zur Geschichte der Arbeiterbewegung" ("Yearbook for Research on the History of the Labour Movement"). You can now browse the digital archive of the YearBook on the Friedrich Ebert Foundation's website.
It has been 111 years since International Women's Day was first proclaimed. This is a good occasion to finally draw attention to the really great "Digital German Women's Archive".
In the 60th year of its existence, the "Archive for Social History" has modernised its appearance a little and at the same time made the "old" volumes freely accessible online.
Under the casual title "Feminism and Computer Stuff", Jenny Genzmer produces a podcast in which she interviews professional female hackers and people who dream of a tech world that excludes no one.
The archive of the cultural magazine "Kursbuch", founded by Hans Magnus Enzensberger in 1965, which became one of the most important venues for intellectual debates after 1968, is online