Public History | Projects


Collaborative Project on the Bogensee site: Lecture building of the FDJ Youth College, 2016, Photo: Martin Schmitt / ZZF Potsdam

The Leibniz Centre for Contemporary History Potsdam (ZZF) is involved in various exhibition and website projects aimed at a broad public. Currently, these include the following Collaborative Projects:

Irmgard Zündorf

Rund 30 Geschichtsstudentinnen und -studenten aus Deutschland und Dänemark entwickeln in Workshops (online und vor Ort) zwischen November 2024 und Februar 2025 didaktische Konzepte und erarbeiten Material für die Kriegsgräberstätte Oksbøl (Dänemark). 

Irmgard Zündorf

Digital exhibition project
with students of the Master's program Public History (FU Berlin/ZZF Potsdam)

The FHXB Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg Museum in Berlin has an extensive collection of historical postcards from and about the Berlin district of Kreuzberg before 1945. In a digiS-funded project entitled ‘The Peter Plewka Collection - Kreuzberg before 1945 in historical postcards’ public history students are developing an online presentation of selected postcards. The students will present the maps they have selected and tell the story or stories associated with them.

Ellen Pupeter
Associated PhD project

The project examines the debates on the possible restitution of cultural objects to their countries of origin as part of decolonization and North-South relations between the late 1960s and 1980s.

Hanno Hochmuth
Digital resource

On the basis of so far partially unpublished documents, film and sound material, photographs and interviews with main actors as well as own research, the dramatic events during the construction and fall of the Wall up to the political unification of Germany are reconstructed and presented on a bilingual website (German/English) for the public.

Petra Haustein
Associated research project

The Netzwerk Zeitgeschichte connects museums, research and civil society. It wants to open spaces of non-profit, private, and federally funded mueseums and research facilities for project presentations and aims at connecting different players in the contemporary history space.

Irmgard Zündorf
Exhibition project

Between 1951 and 1990 was on Keibelstraße in Berlin-Mitte a detention center (UHA) and also a police and deportation custody from 1992 to 1996. As part of the project, a permanent exhibition was set up at the site and educational materials were developed.

Hanno Hochmuth
Digital resource

The bilingual website (German/English) and the “Berlin Wall”-apps are constantly revised, updated and extended. On the basis of so far partially unpublished documents, film and sound material, photographs and interviews with main actors as well as own research, the dramatic events during the construction and fall of the Wall up to the political unification of Germany are reconstructed and illustrated as well as the most important stations of German division shown.

Dominik Juhnke

The project "Keibelstraße" examines the former East Berlin headquarters of the Volkspolizei (PdVP) near the Alexanderplatz. The study focuses on individual units of the DVP, which conducted investigations of so-called "Republikfluchten". In particular, the research spotlights the cooperation between the criminal police and the Stasi.

Martin Sabrow, Dominik Juhnke
Exhibition project

The exhibition explores the uprisings, assassinations and attempted coups in the early years of the Weimar Republic. Eight perspectives illustrate how extremists and separatists brought Germany to the brink of civil war.