Works Council

The ZZF Works Council represents the interests of all ZZF employees and associated colleagues. We represent their concerns to the Executive Board, but are also available for discussions in conflict situations between employees or with supervisors. We can also accompany colleagues during their performance appraisals upon request. The Works Council liaises closely with the doctoral candidate representatives - but of course all doctoral candidates at the ZZF are also welcome to contact us directly.

We meet regularly with the institute management (Institutsleitung) to discuss personnel issues, fixed-term contracts, categorisation, working hours, jobs, etc. You can contact us at betriebsrat [at] zzf-potsdam [dot] de, or you can write directly to the members of the Works Council. All enquiries and comments will be treated confidentially. 

Potsdam, 11 August 2021
Karsten Borgmann, Christopher Neumaier, Irmgard Zündorf