Board of Trustees

The board of trustees decides on all fundamental matters regarding the institute. The committee consists of nine voting members.

Members of the Board of Trustees
Leibniz Centre for Contemporary History Potsdam


State Secretary Tobias Dünow
Ministry of Science, Research and Culture, State of Brandenburg

Deputy Chair

Dr. Sandro Holzheimer
Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)


Ministerialrat Florian Albert
Ministry for Science and Art, State of Bavaria

Prof. Dr. Gunilla Budde
Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
Spokesperson for the Board of Trustees

Prof. Oliver Günther, Ph.D.
President of the University Potsdam

Prof. Dr. Maren Röger
Director of the Leibniz Institute for the History and Culture of Eastern Europe

Prof. Dr. Julia von Blumenthal
President of the Humboldt University, Berlin

Prof. Dr. Paul Nolte
Freie Universität Berlin

Prof. Dr. Miriam Rürup
Director of the Moses Mendelssohn Zentrum für europäisch-jüdische Studien e. V


click here for the Charter (pdf, in German) of the Leibniz Centre for Contemporary History Potsdam as amended on November 18, 2022.