Equal opportunities


Gender equality policy at the ZZF

The ZZF promotes gender equality and equal opportunity according to the Basic Recommendations on the Equalization in the Leibniz Association as well as in accordance with the ZZF’s equalization plan in the version of June 15, 2023.

The activities of the ZZF’s equal opportunities officer comprise the following areas:

  • protection of women* interests in the application procedure through advisory participation and participation with voting rights
  • support to employees availing themselves of parental leave
  • targeted promotion of female junior researchers through
  • ensuring compliance with the equalization plan providing for an increase in women* in leadership positions and visibility of scientists,
  • networking with other equal opportunities officers in the Leibniz Association

The ZZF is committed to promoting the compatibility of family and profession and to specifically counteracting the underrepresentation of women* in leadership positions in the world of scholarship.

More information on the equalization policies of the Leibniz Association can be found at the homepage of the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Scientific Community (WGL).

In the election for an equal opportunities officer at the Leibniz Centre for Contemporary History Potsdam on December 7, 2023, those entitled to vote elected four colleagues