

The ZZF has 103 employees (as of 31 December 2023), 53 of whom are women. This also includes student assistants who support the academic and non-academic staff in the areas of research, administration, infrastructure and management. In addition, 67 other people work or are affiliated with the ZZF, including 38 associated doctoral students, 18 associated researchers, 3 doctoral students with scholarships (some with a ZZF final scholarship) and 8 guest researchers. The largest area at the ZZF is research, with around 115 researchers who, in addition to research, also supervise interns and academic trainees. The trainee programme is carried out in Department III: Media and Information Society and in the Public History department.


In addition, the ZZF hosts researchers from Germany and abroad on various fellowships each year. The period varies from one month to over a year. In 2023, the ZZF hosted 27 fellows from Western and Eastern Europe, the USA and Germany.