#1: Kursbuch

Foto: Thein


When surfing the net, things keep popping up unexpectedly that even we didn't (yet) know existed. For example, we recently discovered the online archive of the Kursbuch. No, we don't mean the analogue version of the timetable information, which motivated travel planning in pre-digital times and was as thick as a telephone directory.
We are referring to the cultural magazine founded by Hans Magnus Enzensberger in 1965, which became one of the most important venues for intellectual debates after '68.

Although there is a reprint edition, it was published in a rather microscopically small font size in order to be handy and compact.
The pdfs now available in the online archive are much easier on the eyes. 
You can find mainly the volumes relevant to contemporary history from 1965 to 1994, but also some newer ones and even the most recent issue.

The only drawback: the famous posters are missing. 

Have fun browsing
the library team

