#2: Feminism + Computer Stuff

Logo: Podcast Feminismus und Computer Kram


Have you ever googled your own name? We never do, of course!
But sometimes we check the internet to see what has become of people who were once at the ZZF.
Jenny Genzmer, for example, worked as a student assistant at the ZZF until March 2014. While she was still working on her master's thesis on "TTechnophobia and data protection. The Greens and computerisation in the Bundestag", she was accepted for a traineeship at Deutschlandfunk, where she now works as a freelancer. She is also a member of the Heart of Code crew - a decidedly feminist hacker community that has adopted the likeable slogan "Liberté - Digitalité - Sœurité".

Jenny Genzmer has also been producing a podcast for six months under the casual title "Feminism and Computer Stuff", in which she interviews professional female hackers and people who dream of a tech world that excludes no one.
We are very exited!

