Invited Talks
09/2020 Nukleare Geschichte Deutschlands. Lehren aus der Vergangenheit für die Zukunft (Nuclear History of Germany, Lessons from the Past), Evangelische Akademie Loccum
01/2020 „Geschichte schreiben: Das Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe. Von der Atomeuphorie über die Nuklearkontroverse bis zur Energiewende“ (Writing History: The Nuclear Research Centre Karlsruhe. From Nuclear Euphoria to Energy Transition), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe
- Wie man Atomforschung(szentren) historisch untersucht. Internationale Perspektiven" ("How to research nuclear research centres - international perspectives)"
12/2019 Workshop European infrastructures and transnational protest movements, Deutsches Museum / Rachel Carson Centre, Munich
- ‘Not in anyone’s backyard’ On the multiple levels of protest in high modernity (Invited Keynote)
05/2019 Free University Berlin, University Lecture Series:
The Nuclear Conflict in Germany – until Eternity? - 8.5. 2019: 17 Uhr (in German)
03/2019 Academy " Abt Jerusalem" of the Lutheran Church of Brunswick
09/2018 Leibniz Associations Day on Sustainable Development Goals, Berlin
- Between Ambitious Rhetorics and Political Compromise. The EU’s Discourse and Policy of Sustainability
10/2017 The Environment and European Public Sphere: Perception, Actors, Policies, Writing a new History of Europe, EHNE /DHI Paris
- Actors and Publics in the Europeanization of Environmental Policy
Conference contributions (since 2016)
10/2022 Petra Kelly at 75, Workshop, Rachel Carson Center, München
- Commentary, Panel "Varieties of Transnationalism"
07/2022 European Society for Environmental History Conference, Bristol, UK
- Roundtable “Writing Nuclear History” – organiser and contributor
- Environmental Law without Teeth? The Rise of Legal and Economic Instruments in European Environmental Policy since the 1980s
06/2022 Tensions of Europe Conference, Aarhus, Panels: “Industry and Institutions Managing Scarcity and Transition” and “Engaging the Atom. The history of nuclear energy in Europe”
- Constructing energy futures after the oil crisis. How the European Communities tried to advance and regulate energy transitions
- The Diversity of Antinuclear Movements in Europe
06/2022 Nuclear Waters Workshop, Stockholm
- The watery origins of European environmental policy. Thermal pollution, the Rhine river and the European Parliament
03/2022 ESEH NEXTGATe Writing Group
- Commentary on papers on Ecological and Anti-Nuclear Movements
08/2021 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021, London “Geographies of Nuclear Energy”
- Rules never made: How the European Communities failed to regulate nuclear installations at the border (1975-1980)
03/2021 Digital Methods and Resources in Legal History, Max Planck Institute for European Legal History, Frankfurt
- Actors, Networks, Issues in the Academic Emergence of European Law – a Digital History Approach
11/2019 The European Commission 1986-2000. History and memories of an institution, Centre for Modern European Studies, University of Copenhagen
- The European Commission and Environmental Policy 1986-2000
10/2019 Workshop Law meets History, Historical Archives of the European Union, Florence
- The History of European Environmental Law
08/2019 European Society for Environmental History (ESEH) Conference: Boundaries in/of Environmental History, Tallinn, Estonia
- The world’s worst located nuclear power plant: Danish and Swedish cross-border perspectives on the Barsebäck nuclar power plant (joint paper with A. Kaijser)
- National sovereignty vs transboundary environmental risks: How the European Communities failed to make rules regarding cross-border consultation on nuclear plants in the 1970s
06/2018 Key Biographies in the Legal History of the European Union, Max Planck Institute for European Legal History, Frankfurt
- Taking the member states to court. Ludwig Krämer and the implementation of European Environmental Law in the 1980s and 1990s
06/2018 La RUCHE Conference “Writing Environmental History in the 21st Century”, Lyon
- The Pitfalls of Interdisciplinarity and the Clash of Societal Subsystems. Insights from the HoNEST - History of Nuclear Energy and Society project
06/2018 KFG “The Transformative Power of Europe”, Abschlusskonferenz, FU Berlin
- Importing ideas – the Polluter Pays Principle, the OECD, and International Economic Experts
02/2018 How New are Renewables? Historicising Energy Transitions, Forschungszentrum des Deutschen Museums Berlin, organisiert von Helmuth Trischler und Patrick Kupper
- ”Hvad skal ind – sol og vind!” The Societal Debates on (Nuclear) Energy and the Origins of Danish Energy Transition in the 1970s
11/2017 Siting Nuclear Installations at the Border, Autoren-Workshop, organisiert von Astrid Kirchhof, Arne Kaijser und Jan-Henrik Meyer
- Barsebäck: Swedish and Danish Perspectives on a Nuclear Power Plant at the Border (with Arne Kaijser)
11/2017 Chernobyl’s Political Consequences, Autoren-Workshop, organisiert von Christoph-Becker-Schaum, Marianne Zepp und Jan-Henrik Meyer, Böll-Stiftung, Berlin
- Swedish and Danish Responses to Chernobyl (with Arne Kaijser)
10/2017 Aufarbeitung der Vergangenheit. Auseinandersetzung um die Nutzung der Kernenergie und insbesondere den Umgang mit hochradioaktiven Abfällen, Forschungsstelle für Umweltpolitik, FU Berlin
- HoNESt – ein Zwischenstand: Inter- und transdisziplinäre Erfahrungen und Erkenntnisse zur Geschichte von Atomkraft und Gesellschaft in 20 Ländern
09/2017 Borders and Technology, Tensions of Europe Conference, Athens, Panel: Reactors at the Border: Transnational Implications
- 20 km from Copenhagen Market Square. Danish Perspectives on the Swedish Nuclear Power Plant Barsebäck
09/2017 Ruptures, Empires, Revolutions, ENIUGH European Congress on World and Global History Conference, Budapest, Panel: Ecological Transformations and Disasters in Global Environmental History
- Moving ahead, regardless. The Strange Non-Ruptures of Nuclear History
06/2017 European Society for Environmental History ESEH Conference, Zagreb, Panel: Adapting to Europe: Environmental NGOs and the Europeanization of Environmental Policy-Making in the 1970s and 1980s
- Getting organized in Brussels. The European Environmental Bureau and the Challenge of Diversity in the 1970s and 1980s
01/2017 The History of EU-Law in Transnational and National Perspective, Max Planck Institute for European Legal History, Frankfurt
- The European Parliament and the Development of EU Law
12/2016 Chernobyl – Turning Point or Catalyst. Changing Practices, Structures and Perceptions in Environmental Policy and Politics (1970s-1990s), Böll-Stiftung, Berlin
- The Critique of Nuclear Power and the Search for Alternatives in Denmark
03/2016 European Social Science History Conference, Valencia, Panel: History of Nuclear Energy and Society: Nuclear power, international organizations and anti-nuclear movements in a comparative and transnational perspective
- Challenging the Ultimate Resource. Reviewing Social Movement Approaches to the Nuclear Energy Conflict in a Historical Perspective
12/2017 „Internationale Organisations, Environment and Critique of Growth“, book talk, Heinrich-Böll-Foundation, moderator: Marianne Zepp
- Presentation: International Organizations and Environmental Protection
11/2017 ‚„Better Active than Radioactive“ The transnational origins of the anti-nuclear movement‘, book talk, Heinrich-Böll-foundation, moderator Marianne Zepp
- Discussant: Jan-Henrik Meyer
09/2017 “Discussing the Past, Present and Future of Nuclear Power”, Workshop for“Stakeholders” of theProjekts HoNESt – History of Nuclear Energy and Society, University Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona
- Organisation and Moderation: Jan-Henrik Meyer
05/2017 5-year Anniversary of the Berlin-Brandenburg Colloquium on Environmental History, organised by Astrid Kirchhof and Jan-Henrik Meyer, Berlin
- The Great Chernobyl Mystery – How Ignorance become Policy and Politics – Prof. Kate Brown
- Moderators: Astrid Kirchhof and J.-H. Meyer
02/2016 Special event of the Berlin-Brandenburger Colloquiums on Environmental History, organised by Astrid Kirchhof and Jan-Henrik Meyer, Heinrich-Böll-Foundation, Berlin
- Global Environmental History of the Industrial Revolution – Prof. John R. McNeill
- Moderators: Astrid Kirchhof und J.-H. Meyer