"Technology acceptance from 'above' and 'below'. Energy conservation technologies and governmental action in West Germany, 1978-1985", 05./06.10.2023, International Workshop "Histories of Technology Acceptance in the 20th Century" (Dr. Fabian Zimmer), TU Berlin
"State Provision and Private Responsibility. The Regulation of Private Energy Consumption in the Federal Republic of Germany, 1970-1989", 16.01.2023, Forschungskolloquium zur Technikgeschichte (Prof. Dr. Heike Weber), TU Berlin.
"Remaking Consumer Choice: Negotiations of the Governability of Energy Consumption and Statehood in the Federal Republic of Germany (1970s and 1980s)", 29.06. - 01.07.2022, The 10th Tensions of Europe Conference: Technology, Environment and Resources, Aarhus (Denmark).
“Saving energy without sacrificing comfort!” Market economy and administrative interventions into household energy consumptions in West Germany, 1973-1989, 15./16.09.2021, Workshop "Environmental Governance. Experience, Knowledge, Expectations since 1945" (PD Dr. Rüdiger Graf, Dr. Nils Güttler, Laura Kaiser, Thomas Lettang), ZZF Potsdam.
„Energiesparen ohne Komfortverzicht!“ Konsument:innen-Bilder und Steuerungspraxis des privaten Energiekonsums in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 1973-1989, 22.06.2021, Forschungskolloquium der Fachbereiche Neuere Geschichte und Technikgeschichte (Prof. Dr. Martina Heßler/ Prof. Dr. Nicolai Hannig), TU Darmstadt
"Regulations of Energy Consumption in the Federal Republic of Germany, 1970-2000", Workshop "Konsumgeschichte, Konsumentengeschichte, Konsumpolitik seit den 1970er-Jahren", 16.01.-18.01.2020 (DFG-Projekt „Der konsumierende Staatsbürger als semantische Konstruktion neuer Partizipationsformen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland“), Forschungszentrum Europa, Universität Trier; Fachbereich III – Neuere und Neueste Geschichte, Universität Trier