Research projects of the director Frank Bösch

The Radical Right in Germany, 1945-2000 - Transformation in the World of Work – Media heritage of the GDR - East German universities - Book project about global interactions of the Federal Republic - History of Computerisation - Ministries of the Interior in West and East Germany - International Institutions in Crisis



Implementation of electronic data processing for the statutory pension insurance (Photo: Siemens-Archive)

Departure towards the Digital Society. Computerisation and Social Regimes in West and East Germany

Frank Bösch

Research project

The rise of the computer age led to massive changes in society as early as the 1970s/1980s. Yet contemporary history has hardly dealt with these transformation processes. Only a few studies on the early history of West German computer technology do exist, predominantly in the fields of economic and technological history. For the GDR, they especially deal with the political control of production processes and information technology.

Helmut Schmidt und Nicolae Ceauşescu, 1978 (Fotograf: unbekannt, Wikimedia Commons)

Negotiate with dictatorships. The German-German Dealing with Non-Democratic States, 1950-2000

Frank Bösch

Book project
Current book project about global interactions of the Federal Republic

Bookcover: „Hüter der Ordnung – Die Innenministerien in Bonn und Ost-Berlin nach dem Nationalsozialismus“ (2018, Wallstein Verlag)

Buchcover: „Hüter der Ordnung – Die Innenministerien in Bonn und Ost-Berlin nach dem Nationalsozialismus“ (2018, Wallstein Velag)

The Early Post-war History of the Ministries of the Interior in West and East Germany

Frank Bösch

Research project in cooperation with IfZ
Direction: Professor Frank Bösch (ZZF) and  Professor Andreas Wirsching (IfZ)
Researcher at the ZZF: Martin Diebel, Franziska Kuschel, Stefanie Palm, Dominik Rigoll

In the former Federal Republic and the GDR, the Departments of the Interior were responsible for key areas of politics and administration. This research project systematically explores the post-war era of the Federal Ministry of the Interior (BMI) and the Ministry of the Interior of the GDR (MdI) and concentrates particularly on personnel and political continuities as well as processes of transformation in respect to the Nazi era...

The Historicity of Democracy in the Muslim and Arabic Worlds

Frank Bösch

Collaborative research project / Verbundprojekt
Leibniz-Wettbewerbsverfahren, 2020-2023, research network of: ZMO Berlin, IEG Mainz, ZZF Potsdam, IFO Amman, Manouba University
The HISDEMAB Research Team
Project leader at ZZF: Frank Bösch
Part project "Frauen in Bewegung. Türkeistämmige Migrantinnen in der Bundesrepublik und die Demokratisierung in der Türkei (1961 bis 1990)"

Screenshot of the website, BArch, Bild-F040741-0020 / Lothar Schaack

Social Consequences of the Transformation of the World of Work in the Second Half of the Twentieth Century

Frank Bösch, Winfried Süß

Postgraduate Research Group of the Hans Böckler Foundation

Direction: Frank Bösch/ZZF, Winfried Süß/ZZF (speaker), Stefan Berger/ISB Bochum, und Andreas Wirsching/IfZ München-Berlin
Duration: November 2021 - October 2024 (second funding phase of the Kolleg).

Bildnachweis: Leipzig, Demonstration von "Republikanern", Neonazis, Januar 1990, Foto: Bundesarchiv, Bild 183-1990-0115-032 / Kluge, Wolfgang / CC BY-SA 3.0 DE

The Radical Right in Germany, 1945-2000

Frank Bösch

Project Management: Prof. Dr. Frank Bösch (ZZF Potsdam), Prof. Dr. Gideon Botsch (MMZ Potsdam)
Supported by the Volkswagen Foundation

The research project examines the contemporary history of the radical right with previously untapped sources and socio-historical approaches.
Currently, projects at the ZZF Potsdam are being worked on by: Laura Haßler, Dr. Marie Müller-Zetzsche, Darius Muschiol, Dr. Dominik Rigoll, Jakob Saß and Luisa Seydel (until 31.1.2023).

The media heritage of the GDR

Frank Bösch, Jürgen Danyel, Christoph Classen

The BMBF joint project investigates the emergence, transformation and use of GDR-related media. Mass media and private media as well as their usage environments are analysed. In addition to the research projects, the network is developing a handbook on GDR film, a new website with oral history interviews and a portal on GDR narrow film.


Foto: Alain DeJean, Mehdi Bazargan Ayatollah Khomeini (Wikimedia Commons)

Drifting Apart. International Institutions in Crisis and the Management of Dissociation Processes

Frank Bösch

Cooperative project
Funding line "cooperative excellence" at the Leibniz Association
Subproject at the ZZF Potsdam under the direction of Frank Bösch.

How do international organizations and cooperations break apart and what are the consequences for states that leave previous communities? The cooperation project "Drifting Apart" is investigating this current question. The ZZF subproject examines how international engagement with Iran has changed since the 1979 revolution. It analyzes the negotiation and enforcement of sanctions as well as the emergence of new forms of cooperation.

Die Pädagogische Hochschule Potsdam 1961 (Foto: Eva Brüggmann, Bundesarchiv Bild 183-83155-0006CC BY-SA 3.0 DE)

The Transformation of the East German Universities in the 1980s / 90s: Potsdam in Comparative Perspective

Frank Bösch

Cooperation project of the ZZF and the University of Potsdam
Project management: Prof. Dr. Frank Bösch (ZZF/Universität Potsdam) and Prof. Dr. Dominik Geppert (Universität Potsdam)

Research projects of the director Frank Bösch

The Radical Right in Germany, 1945-2000 - Transformation in the World of Work – Media heritage of the GDR - East German universities - Book project about global interactions of the Federal Republic - History of Computerisation - Ministries of the Interior in West and East Germany - International Institutions in Crisis



Implementation of electronic data processing for the statutory pension insurance (Photo: Siemens-Archive)

Departure towards the Digital Society. Computerisation and Social Regimes in West and East Germany

Frank Bösch

Research project

The rise of the computer age led to massive changes in society as early as the 1970s/1980s. Yet contemporary history has hardly dealt with these transformation processes. Only a few studies on the early history of West German computer technology do exist, predominantly in the fields of economic and technological history. For the GDR, they especially deal with the political control of production processes and information technology.

Helmut Schmidt und Nicolae Ceauşescu, 1978 (Fotograf: unbekannt, Wikimedia Commons)

Negotiate with dictatorships. The German-German Dealing with Non-Democratic States, 1950-2000

Frank Bösch

Book project
Current book project about global interactions of the Federal Republic

Bookcover: „Hüter der Ordnung – Die Innenministerien in Bonn und Ost-Berlin nach dem Nationalsozialismus“ (2018, Wallstein Verlag)

Buchcover: „Hüter der Ordnung – Die Innenministerien in Bonn und Ost-Berlin nach dem Nationalsozialismus“ (2018, Wallstein Velag)

The Early Post-war History of the Ministries of the Interior in West and East Germany

Frank Bösch

Research project in cooperation with IfZ
Direction: Professor Frank Bösch (ZZF) and  Professor Andreas Wirsching (IfZ)
Researcher at the ZZF: Martin Diebel, Franziska Kuschel, Stefanie Palm, Dominik Rigoll

In the former Federal Republic and the GDR, the Departments of the Interior were responsible for key areas of politics and administration. This research project systematically explores the post-war era of the Federal Ministry of the Interior (BMI) and the Ministry of the Interior of the GDR (MdI) and concentrates particularly on personnel and political continuities as well as processes of transformation in respect to the Nazi era...

The Historicity of Democracy in the Muslim and Arabic Worlds

Frank Bösch

Collaborative research project / Verbundprojekt
Leibniz-Wettbewerbsverfahren, 2020-2023, research network of: ZMO Berlin, IEG Mainz, ZZF Potsdam, IFO Amman, Manouba University
The HISDEMAB Research Team
Project leader at ZZF: Frank Bösch
Part project "Frauen in Bewegung. Türkeistämmige Migrantinnen in der Bundesrepublik und die Demokratisierung in der Türkei (1961 bis 1990)"

Screenshot of the website, BArch, Bild-F040741-0020 / Lothar Schaack

Social Consequences of the Transformation of the World of Work in the Second Half of the Twentieth Century

Frank Bösch, Winfried Süß

Postgraduate Research Group of the Hans Böckler Foundation

Direction: Frank Bösch/ZZF, Winfried Süß/ZZF (speaker), Stefan Berger/ISB Bochum, und Andreas Wirsching/IfZ München-Berlin
Duration: November 2021 - October 2024 (second funding phase of the Kolleg).

Bildnachweis: Leipzig, Demonstration von "Republikanern", Neonazis, Januar 1990, Foto: Bundesarchiv, Bild 183-1990-0115-032 / Kluge, Wolfgang / CC BY-SA 3.0 DE

The Radical Right in Germany, 1945-2000

Frank Bösch

Project Management: Prof. Dr. Frank Bösch (ZZF Potsdam), Prof. Dr. Gideon Botsch (MMZ Potsdam)
Supported by the Volkswagen Foundation

The research project examines the contemporary history of the radical right with previously untapped sources and socio-historical approaches.
Currently, projects at the ZZF Potsdam are being worked on by: Laura Haßler, Dr. Marie Müller-Zetzsche, Darius Muschiol, Dr. Dominik Rigoll, Jakob Saß and Luisa Seydel (until 31.1.2023).

The media heritage of the GDR

Frank Bösch, Jürgen Danyel, Christoph Classen

The BMBF joint project investigates the emergence, transformation and use of GDR-related media. Mass media and private media as well as their usage environments are analysed. In addition to the research projects, the network is developing a handbook on GDR film, a new website with oral history interviews and a portal on GDR narrow film.


Foto: Alain DeJean, Mehdi Bazargan Ayatollah Khomeini (Wikimedia Commons)

Drifting Apart. International Institutions in Crisis and the Management of Dissociation Processes

Frank Bösch

Cooperative project
Funding line "cooperative excellence" at the Leibniz Association
Subproject at the ZZF Potsdam under the direction of Frank Bösch.

How do international organizations and cooperations break apart and what are the consequences for states that leave previous communities? The cooperation project "Drifting Apart" is investigating this current question. The ZZF subproject examines how international engagement with Iran has changed since the 1979 revolution. It analyzes the negotiation and enforcement of sanctions as well as the emergence of new forms of cooperation.

Die Pädagogische Hochschule Potsdam 1961 (Foto: Eva Brüggmann, Bundesarchiv Bild 183-83155-0006CC BY-SA 3.0 DE)

The Transformation of the East German Universities in the 1980s / 90s: Potsdam in Comparative Perspective

Frank Bösch

Cooperation project of the ZZF and the University of Potsdam
Project management: Prof. Dr. Frank Bösch (ZZF/Universität Potsdam) and Prof. Dr. Dominik Geppert (Universität Potsdam)