Social Consequences of the Transformation of the World of Work in the Second Half of the Twentieth Century


Screenshot of the website, BArch, Bild-F040741-0020 / Lothar Schaack

Postgraduate Research Group of the Hans Böckler Foundation
Direction: Frank Bösch/ZZF, Winfried Süß/ZZF (spokesman), Stefan Berger/ISB Bochum, und Andreas Wirsching/IfZ München-Berlin
Duration: November 2021 - October 2024 (second funding phase of the Kolleg).

In the second half of the 20th century, the work underwent fundamental changes due to technological and economic change. Especially the digitalization and automation of production, globalization as well as the expansion of the service sector contributed to this. The ZZF is investigating this upheaval in a doctoral program together with the Institute for Social Movements Bochum and the Institute of Contemporary History Munich-Berlin. It asks what social consequences this change in work had for workers. The doctoral projects examine primarily at the meso and micro levels practices of the world of work, social situations and patterns of inequality, and the role of trade unions.
The second phase of the doctoral program focuses on "Social Polarizations in Service Occupations" along lines drawn by knowledge, migration, and gender. The four dissertation projects of Lukas Doil, Till Goßmann, Jessica Hall, and Christina Häberle are located at the ZZF Potsdam in Dept. IV "Regimes of the Social."

Jessica Lindner-Elsner and Katharina Täufert are working on two on the four projects at the ZZF in the first funding phase of the Kolleg (duration: December 2016 - October 2020). Ronny Grundig and Stefan Zeppenfeld have already completed their projects.

The website of the project can be found under this link:


Jessica Hall

Eine deutsch-deutsche Sozialgeschichte von Eisenbahner*innen im Zeichen von Wiedervereinigung und Privatisierung

Associated PhD project
Project of the Postgraduate Research Group "Social Consequences of the Transformation of the World of Work"
Das Promotionsprojekt beschäftigt sichmit der Frage welche sozialen Folgen Wiedervereinigung und Privatisierung der deutsch-deutschen Eisenbahnen, für die Arbeits- und Lebensverhältnisse von Eisenbahner*innen

Lukas Doil

"Flexible" and "precarious". Labour and time relations in temporary work in Germany

Associated PhD project
Project of the Postgraduate Research Group "Social Consequences of the Transformation of the World of Work"
This project examines the transformation of work and temporal regimes in temporary employment since the 1970s. 

Till Goßmann

Die sozialen Folgen des Wandels im Einzelhandel in Ostdeutschland in den 1990er Jahren

Associated PhD project
Project of the Postgraduate Research Group "Social Consequences of the Transformation of the World of Work"
Das assoziiertes Dissertationsprojekt untersucht die sozialen Folgen der arbeitsweltlichen Veränderungen im ostdeutschen Einzelhandel im ersten Jahrzehnt nach der deutschen Einheit.

Christina Häberle

Hot on the heels of the world. An international history of the West German shoe industry from 1970 to 2000

Associated PhD project
Project of the Postgraduate Research Group "Social Consequences of the Transformation of the World of Work"
This project follows the footsteps of the German shoe industry abroad, tells the story of the companies and their employees.

Katharina Thießen

Jobs for everyone? The role of the German Trade Union Confederation in the conflicts about unemployment and poverty, 1972-1998

Associated PhD project
Project of the Postgraduate Research Group "Social Consequences of the Transformation of the World of Work"
Why the DGB insisted on its demands and only hesitantly adapted to the changed circumstances and living conditions is determined in the project on the basis of four fields of investigation.