Documentation project: Attention! Border area - The restricted zone in the GDR, Potsdam 1961-89


The info map shows where the stelae of the history trail are located. The open-air exhibition "Achtung Grenze" is accessible all year round since its opening on April 19, 2019. The texts of the info trail are bilingual (German/English), graphic: Soner Ipekcioglu, Agentur Die Setzer, photo: Marion Schlöttke.

Completed exhibition project
Ende des Projektes
April 2019

Completed Collaborative Project
Open Air Permanent Exhibition since April 10, 2019
Internet portal

Project manager at ZZF: Prof. Dr. Frank Bösch, Dr. Hans-Hermann Hertle
Project editor at ZZF: Florentine Schmidtmann

Collaborative Project between the ZZF Potsdam and the association "Erinnerungsorte Potsdamer Grenze"
funded by the Ministry of Sciences, Research and Cultural Affairs of the Brandenburg federal state

This project pursued the aim – in preparation for an exhibition – of developing for the period from 1945 to 1990 a professionally-sound documentation on this section of the Berlin-Brandenburg Wall north of the Glienicke Bridge, which is of historical relevance and likewise highly interesting for the public. A history trail with eight steles between Glienicker bridge and the post tower of the water border crossing Nedlitz at the end of Bertinistraße informed since 10 April 2019 about it. The open air exhibition is open all year round.

The internet portal has already been activated since November 9, 2018 with in-depth information as well as picture, audio and video material about the former border area in German and English. It is aimed at international visitors as well as at Potsdam and Berlin in search of clues to the German-German division. An interactive map shows the border area with the barriers in the state of the year 1981.Partially unpublished photographs and plans show how today's UNESCO parkland was crisscrossed by a death strip that was illuminated daylight even at night.Informiert is among other things about everyday life in the Border area, about daredevil flights over the Glienicker bridge and through the Jungfernsee as well as over the water border crossing Nedlitz, whose post tower is one of the few relics of the GDR border.


Hinweise zum Projektabschluss



Outline map - infopad (graphic proof: Soner Ipekcioglu_Agentur The composers)

Read here the report ( in german) by Marion Schlöttke about the exhibition opening.

Frank Bösch


Foto: Andy Küchenmeister

Frank Bösch

Leibniz-Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung
Am Neuen Markt 1
14467 Potsdam

Email: sekretariat [at]
Telefon: 0331/28991-57

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