Completed research projects of the directorate



Selection of books published by the directorate of the ZZF, photo: ZZF.

Overview of completed research, exhibition, book and public history projects since 2011 by Director Frank Bösch, former Director Martin Sabrow (until 2021), Hanno Hochmuth and Hans-Hermann Hertle (Research Associate until 2019 and up to now Senior Fellow).

Thomas Schaarschmidt, Hans-Hermann Hertle

Completed Research, Documentation and Exhibition Projects 
of the Centre for Contemporary History, Potsdam, the Potsdam Museum and the State Capital Potsdam - Lindenstraße Memorial Site (2007 – 2013)
Project management: Hans-Hermann Hertle (ZZF Potsdam), 
Thomas Schaarschmidt (ZZF Potsdam), Gabriele Schnell (Gedenkstätte Lindenstraße), Hannes Wittenberg (Potsdam Museum)

Achim Saupe, Martin Sabrow

Spokesman of the Research Alliance: Prof. Dr. Martin Sabrow, Cooordinator: Dr. Achim Saupe
In the period 2013-2021, the research network investigated in a transdisciplinary and international perspective how historical and contemporary notions of authenticity have influenced the treatment of cultural heritage. The projects that have not yet been completed will be continued in the new Leibniz Research Alliance "Wert der Vergangenheit," which started in September 2021.

Frank Bösch

Frank Bösch was deputy spokesman of this research network Project form 2013 to 2019.
The research projects focused on financial market and debt crises, food crises, environmental crises and crises of political order. The cooperating Leibniz Institutes researched overarching patterns of crises, their dynamics and interdependencies.

Martin Sabrow

based at the Humboldt University’s Department of History 
with Professor Olaf Blaschke, Trier; Professor Christoph Cornelißen, Düsseldorf; Professor Gabriele Lingelbach, Bamberg; Professor Martin Sabrow, Potsdam/Berlin)
The project aimed to research and illustrate the Association of German Historians` history (founded in 1895) from its foundation to the present time.

Achim Saupe

Research project
Im Rahmen des Leibniz-Forschungsverbundes "Wert der Vergangenheit" untersucht das Projekt den Diskurs des Authentischen in unterschiedlichen geschichtskulturellen Feldern seit den 1980er Jahren: u.a. im UNESCO-Welterbe, im Diskurs über städtische Ensembles, Bauten und Rekonstruktionen, in Museen und im Bereich von Gedenkstätten.

Martin Sabrow

The volume provides a critical reflection on eyewitnesses as a phenomenon of popular historical culture.

Research project

The rise of the computer age led to massive changes in society as early as the 1970s/1980s. Yet contemporary history has hardly dealt with these transformation processes. Only a few studies on the early history of West German computer technology do exist, predominantly in the fields of economic and technological history. For the GDR, they especially deal with the political control of production processes and information technology.