Public History | Completed Projects

(Permanent) Exhibitions - Info Steles - Twitter Project - Film/DVD - Online Booklet - Publications - Website Projects - Virtual Exhibitions - Student Calendar - Workshop - Online Documention - Multimedia Website Project - Audio-Walk

Public History


The permanent exhibition developed by the ZZF Potsdam and the Museumsverbund Pankow was funded by the Stiftung Aufarbeitung, photo: Marion Schlöttke.

Permanent exhibition: The Pankow Powerholders

Jürgen Danyel, Anja Tack, Irmgard Zündorf

Gatehouses of Schönhausen Palace, Berlin
The permanent exhibition can be visited since 2009.

The exhibition was opened in 2009 in the gatehouses of Schönhausen Palace in Berlin. The exhibition was developed by the ZZF and funded by the Federal Foundation for the Reappraisal of the SED Dictatorship.

Segment of the exhibition ‘Waldsiedlung Wandlitz: A Landscape of Power’, photo: Marion Schlöttke

Information stelae in the Waldsiedlung Wandlitz

Jürgen Danyel, Elke Kimmel

Exhibition project - information stelae
Open to the public since October 2017

Fourteen information steles at selected locations on the grounds of the Waldsiedlung Wandlitz provide information about why the settlement was built on this site, which politicians inhabited it and who supplied it. The end of the Waldsiedlung in the course of the peaceful revolution in 1989 and its new use as a rehabilitation facility are also addressed. In addition to the brief texts on the panels, interested visitors have the opportunity to access further information on the Internet via embedded QR codes.

Bookcover: Vom Germanenerbe zum Urkommunismus. Urgeschichtsbilder in Museen der SBZ und DDR

From Germanic Heritage to Primitive Communism
Change and Consistency in Conceptions of Prehistory in Museum Exhibitions in the Soviet Occupation Zone and the GDR

Arne Lindemann
Completed associated PhD project

Using an extensive body of exhibition photos, this doctoral project analysed the depiction of prehistory in museums of the Soviet Occupation Zone and the GDR as well as discourses that led to the alteration or persistence of conceptions of history.

The info map shows where the stelae of the history trail are located. The open-air exhibition "Achtung Grenze" is accessible all year round since its opening on April 19, 2019. The texts of the info trail are bilingual (German/English), graphic: Soner Ipekcioglu, Agentur Die Setzer, photo: Marion Schlöttke.

Documentation project: Attention! Border area - The restricted zone in the GDR, Potsdam 1961-89

Completed Collaborative Project
Open Air Permanent Exhibition since April 10, 2019 and Internet portal
Project manager at ZZF: Prof. Dr. Frank Bösch, Dr. Hans-Hermann Hertle, Project editor at ZZF: Florentine Schmidtmann

At the ZZF Potsdam, a professionally sound documentation was created for the section of the Berlin-Brandenburg Wall north of the Glienicke Bridge for the period 1945-1990, which is relevant in terms of contemporary history and at the same time highly interesting for a broad public. The public can participate in the results of the documentation through a permanent exhibition on site: A history trail with eight stelae between Glienicke Bridge and the post tower of the Nedlitz water border crossing at the end of Bertinistrasse - can be visited year-round since April 2020.

Permanent exhibition at the Seelow Heights Memorial Site

Jürgen Danyel, Irmgard Zündorf

Permanent exhibition | Seelow Heights Memorial Site, Seelow
The exhibition has been open to visitors since December 15, 2012.

The new permanent exhibition at the Seelow Heights Memorial Site informs visitors about the fighting west of the Oder at the end of the Second World War and the history of the memorial site since 1945.

Opening of the exhibition at Museum Ephraim-Palais in Berlin, photo: Stefanie Eisenhuth

Exhibition: „East Berlin. Half a Capital“

Jürgen Danyel, Hanno Hochmuth

May 11 to November 10, 2019 | Museum Ephraim-Palais, Berlin

The Leibniz Centre for Contemporary History Potsdam, and the Municipal Museum Berlin have preparied a joint exhibition on East Berlin in the Ephraim-Palais in the Nikolaiviertel. It provided new perspectives on the former metropolis of East Germany. The social and cultural dimensions of urban life in East Berlin were the heart of the exhibition.

Exhibition: Towards a friend – towards an enemy: The Inner-German Border Crossing at Drewitz-Dreilinden

Irmgard Zündorf

2009 | Drewitz-Dreilinden

In 2009, the exhibition was opened at and in the former Commandant’s Tower in Drewitz-Dreilinden together with the association Checkpoint Bravo.

Exhibition ‘Waldsiedlung Wandlitz: A Landscape of Power’ in the museum Barnim Panorama in Wandlitz. The exhibition team in front of one of the exhibition objects , photo: Marion Schlöttke.

Exhibition ‘Waldsiedlung Wandlitz: A Landscape of Power’

Jürgen Danyel, Elke Kimmel, Irmgard Zündorf

May 12 - November 9, 2016 | Museum Barnim Panorama, Wandlitz

The exhibition provided insights into the political style and lifestyle of the GDR’s leadership elite and documented the consequences for the region of the forest settlement and the security regime associated with it. Furthermore, on the grounds of the former Waldsiedlung, information shafts were erected, which provide information on the history of the Waldsiedlung, which was established from 1958 and used by the SED’s top functionaries until early 1990.

Berlin, stumbling block for Else Liebermann von Wahlendorf, Budapester Straße 45, published on 26.09.2006, photo: Axel Mauruszat, details on Wikimedia Commons

The History of the "Stumbling Block"

Dominik Juhnke

Completed associated research project

At an international conference in Berlin, various research projects on the history of the "Stolpersteine" were discussed. The results of the conference are documented in a book.

Students of media production at the echnischen Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe  (TH OWL) prepare the interview with with the now deceased Perleberg Museum Director Hans-Peter Freimark (centre), photo: ZZF Potsdam.

Documentation and Interview Project on the GDR History Museum in the Perleberg Documentation Centre

Irmgard Zündorf

Completed documentation and interview project
Project start: February 2020

Four students of the Master Public History programme (FU Berlin/ZZF Potsdam) and a two-person film team from the TH Ostwestfalen-Lippe preserved and digitised the unique history of the GDR History Museum in this project. One focus of the work was on the biography of Hans-Peter and Gisela Freimark, whose museum in Perleberg, Brandenburg, has housed a wealth of objects documenting the political system but also everyday life in the GDR since 2006. The aim of the project was a virtual tour of the museum.

Home page of the image database "Art in the GDR"

Exhibition ‘Goodbye to Icarus: Visual Worlds in the GDR – Seen in a New Light

Jürgen Danyel, Anja Tack

October 19 to February 3, 2013 | Neues Museum Weimar
Website/Image database
Kunst in der DDR:

In the exhibition and an accompanying website, the image database developed by the project group at the ZZF Potsdam presented using an excerpt. The database was used to catalogue the stocks of art works from 165 museums, collections, galleries, special depots and enterprises of the project partners.

Pupils Calendar 2019/2020 on the topic "Friedliche Revolution"

Irmgard Zündorf

Processing Time: 2018 | Potsdam

Together with the public relations department of the Brandenburg Landtag, the Public History section wrote texts for the pupil calendar 2019/2020 on the topic of "Friedliche Revolution". It explained both the Cold War and the SED dictatorship.

Sceenshot, Homepage of the online exhibition "Silent Testimonies of 1939".

Silent Testimonies of 1939 - The German Attack on Poland in Pictures and Documents

Irmgard Zündorf

Online exhibition
Launch on the website of the House of the Wannsee Conference: September 1, 2019 | Berlin

The aim of the project was to promote public engagement with family biographical testimonies to the Second World War from German and Polish perspectives. To this end, photographs, letters and diaries from private collections documenting the German invasion of Poland were collected. Some of the material was digitized, historically classified and made available to the public in an online exhibition.

Exhibition poster

Exhibition ‘The Daily Routine of Unification: Portrait of a Society in Transition’

Jürgen Danyel, Irmgard Zündorf

May 27, 2015 until February 2016 | Deutsches Historisches Museum, Berlin

The ZZF, in collaboration with the German Historical Museum, developed the exhibition and a catalogue of the same name. From the linguistic shifts to the dramatic changes in the world of work, from consumerism via the reciprocal perceptions of East and West Germans to the cultural upswing after the fall of the Berlin Wall, the exhibition provided insights into the everyday, cultural and experiential world of a German society in transition during the first half of the 1990s.

Cover of the DVD as a reasult of the project.

German Media Coverage of the Eichmann trial

Completed applied History Project
with students of the Public History Master Program (FU Berlin(ZZF Potsdam)

Project management: Dr. Irmgard Zündorf (ZZF) and Dr. Judith Keilbach (University of Utrecht)
Project team: Tabea Georges, Linda Graul, Anna Kokenge, Vivien Püschel, and Laura Zimmermann

The coverage of the Eichmann trial in Jerusalem in 1961 is regarded as one of the first international media events. Within the framework of the project, East and West German print media, contributions from news broadcasts as well as feature films and documentaries from 1961-1962 were evaluated. The material for the DVD was then selected and background information compiled.

Faltblatt zum Audio-Spaziergag im Berliner Volkspark Friedrichshain

ZWISCHEN ERHOLUNG & GEDENKEN - Ein Audio-Spaziergang im Volkspark Friedrichshain

Irmgard Zündorf

Online April 2024

Konzept, Texte und Redaktion: Nina Markert, Lene Schargitz und Jan-Niklas Welling (Studierenden des Public History Master FU Berlin/ZZF Potsdam)
Beratung: Paul Schmitz (Gedenk- und Aufstellungsort Friedhof der Märzgefallenen), Irmgard Zündorf (ZZF)

Documentation Centre of Everyday Culture in the GDR, Eisenhüttenstadt, photo: Andreas Ludwig.

Permanent exhibition ‘Everyday Life in the GDR’

Documentation Centre of Everyday Culture in the GDR, Eisenhüttenstadt
The permanent exhibition has been open since Apil 2012.
Collaboration at the ZZF: Dr. Irmgard Zündorf

The new permanent exhibition has been showing an overview of central themes of everyday life and its contexts. These range from "work" to "home" to the "socialist way of life" by means of numerous objects, photographs and documents.

Cover: Mythos der Revolution, 2018 (Hanser Verlag)

History of the Liebknechtportal

Dominik Juhnke

Associated research project

The project reconstructed the history of the Liebknecht Portal from newspaper articles, eyewitness reports, literary depictions, construction files and planning sketches – from the appearance of the workers’ leaders in front of the Palace entrance to the presentation of the balcony scene in the GDR’s interpretation of history. – Multimedia Website Project

Completed Collaborative Project: ZZF Potsdam, Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, Deutschlandradio
Project management at the ZZF: Dr. Hans Hermann-Hertle

The website, which covers the period from April 1952 to the end of 1953, reconstructs what led to the crisis, the uprising itself and the months thereafter: It explains the causes, the course and the consequences. The texts are illustrated and supplemented by a variety of different sources: for example film clips and original sounds from the RIAS archive.

Twitter-Project: @Mauerfall89

Twitter-Project (2013/14)
Project coordination at the ZZF: Dr. Hans-Hermann Hertle

From 19 August to 12 November 2014, the tweets, wherever possible in real-time, told the breathtaking events on the road to the peaceful revolution and the fall of the Berlin Wall: a. o.from the massive emigration of East German citizens and the problems of the diplomats in the overcrowded West German embassies in Prague and else where, the swelling citizens' protests and demonstrations in East Germany, up to the super-GAU in the history of the press conferences on 9 November 1989, the breakthrough of the Berlin Wall and the two days after.

Building complex of the former FDJ Youth College, 2016, photo: Martin Schmitt / ZZF Potsdam

The Former FDJ Youth College and the Goebbels Villa at Bogensee

Anja Tack

Completed Research and exhibition project
Development of an online exhibition on the history of Bogensee.

Project management: Dr. Irmgard Zündorf (ZZF) und Dr. Jürgen Danyel (ZZF), Project editor: Anja Tack

At Bogensee near Wandlitz, located in the middle of the forest, are two sites of Germany's past: the former villa of Reich Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels and the building complex of the former FDJ Youth College. Since 1999 the buildings have stood empty. Previous utilization concepts were unsuccessful. The aim of the project is to present the first research results on the history of the site in an online exhibition.

Temporary exhibition on the "Berlin Route of Migration", photo: Irmgard Zündorf.

Exhibition ‘Route of Migration’

Irmgard Zündorf

Container exhibitions October and November 2010 | Berlin
Completed Coolaborative Project of the ZZF with the Public History Master`s program (FU Berlin/ZZF Potsdam)

Container exhibitions provided information on the history of migration using the example of Berlin. The Network Migration, a platform of academics and practitioners in the field of migration and integration, was instrumental in realising this collaborative project on the fiftieth anniversary of the recruitment agreements with Turkey.

Students of the Public History Master (Free University of Berlin/ZZF Potsdam) presented the Website Website ‘Continuities, Ruptures, New Beginning? A Virtual Exhibition on Handling National Socialism in the BMI and the MDI from 1949 to 1970’" in the BMI, Photo: Hans-Hermann Hertle.

Continuities, Ruptures, New Beginning? A Virtual Exhibition on Handling National Socialism in the BMI and the MDI from 1949 to 1970

Irmgard Zündorf

Website-Project | Virtual Exhibition
Opening: 26 June 2017

The virtual exhibition designed and implemented by students of Master Public History (Free University Berlin/ZZF Potsdam) tells ‘history with stories’. Short biographies provide an insight into the careers of senior personnel from both German interior ministries. It is closely intertwined with the thematic focal points, offers a multifaceted approach and brings historical processes to life.

Website der TMB mit der Dokumentation der zeitgeschichtlichen Erinnerungsorten in Brandenburg, Sceenshot vom 20-08-2021.

Memorial Sites of the 20th century in Brandenburg

Completed Collaborative Project: ZZF Potsdam in cooperation with TMB Tourism Marketing Brandenburg GmbH

Thirty-two places of remembrance in Brandenburg from the period of the Nazi dictatorship from 1933 to 1945 and the SBZ/DDR dictatorship from 1945-1989/90 were presented in short information texts by scientists from the ZZF Potsdam.

Exhibition "Rassenhygiene und Terrorjustiz" at the Lindenstraße Memorial Site, photo: Marion Schlöttke.

Lindenstraße Memorial Site

Project coordination at the ZZF: Prof. Dr. Thomas Schaarschmidt / Dr. Hans-Hermann Hertle
Forschungs- und Ausstellungsprojekt (Laufzeit: 2007–2013)
The permanent exhibition at the Stiftung Gedenkstätte Lindenstraße has been open to visitors since September 12, 2013.

Located in the heart of historic Potsdam, the Lindenstrasse memorial site is a unique place of memory. The permanent exhibition at the Lindenstrasse memorial site has been open to visitors since September 12, 2013.

Workshop: Public History in der Lehre

Irmgard Zündorf

2.-3. Dezember 2019 | Bochum
Ziel des Workshops war neben dem gemeinsamen Austausch zwischen den verschiedenen Studienangeboten die Entwicklung konkreter Impulse für die (Weiter)entwicklung derselben.

Public History | Completed Projects

(Permanent) Exhibitions - Info Steles - Twitter Project - Film/DVD - Online Booklet - Publications - Website Projects - Virtual Exhibitions - Student Calendar - Workshop - Online Documention - Multimedia Website Project - Audio-Walk

Public History


The permanent exhibition developed by the ZZF Potsdam and the Museumsverbund Pankow was funded by the Stiftung Aufarbeitung, photo: Marion Schlöttke.

Permanent exhibition: The Pankow Powerholders

Jürgen Danyel, Anja Tack, Irmgard Zündorf

Gatehouses of Schönhausen Palace, Berlin
The permanent exhibition can be visited since 2009.

The exhibition was opened in 2009 in the gatehouses of Schönhausen Palace in Berlin. The exhibition was developed by the ZZF and funded by the Federal Foundation for the Reappraisal of the SED Dictatorship.

Segment of the exhibition ‘Waldsiedlung Wandlitz: A Landscape of Power’, photo: Marion Schlöttke

Information stelae in the Waldsiedlung Wandlitz

Jürgen Danyel, Elke Kimmel

Exhibition project - information stelae
Open to the public since October 2017

Fourteen information steles at selected locations on the grounds of the Waldsiedlung Wandlitz provide information about why the settlement was built on this site, which politicians inhabited it and who supplied it. The end of the Waldsiedlung in the course of the peaceful revolution in 1989 and its new use as a rehabilitation facility are also addressed. In addition to the brief texts on the panels, interested visitors have the opportunity to access further information on the Internet via embedded QR codes.

Bookcover: Vom Germanenerbe zum Urkommunismus. Urgeschichtsbilder in Museen der SBZ und DDR

From Germanic Heritage to Primitive Communism
Change and Consistency in Conceptions of Prehistory in Museum Exhibitions in the Soviet Occupation Zone and the GDR

Arne Lindemann
Completed associated PhD project

Using an extensive body of exhibition photos, this doctoral project analysed the depiction of prehistory in museums of the Soviet Occupation Zone and the GDR as well as discourses that led to the alteration or persistence of conceptions of history.

The info map shows where the stelae of the history trail are located. The open-air exhibition "Achtung Grenze" is accessible all year round since its opening on April 19, 2019. The texts of the info trail are bilingual (German/English), graphic: Soner Ipekcioglu, Agentur Die Setzer, photo: Marion Schlöttke.

Documentation project: Attention! Border area - The restricted zone in the GDR, Potsdam 1961-89

Completed Collaborative Project
Open Air Permanent Exhibition since April 10, 2019 and Internet portal
Project manager at ZZF: Prof. Dr. Frank Bösch, Dr. Hans-Hermann Hertle, Project editor at ZZF: Florentine Schmidtmann

At the ZZF Potsdam, a professionally sound documentation was created for the section of the Berlin-Brandenburg Wall north of the Glienicke Bridge for the period 1945-1990, which is relevant in terms of contemporary history and at the same time highly interesting for a broad public. The public can participate in the results of the documentation through a permanent exhibition on site: A history trail with eight stelae between Glienicke Bridge and the post tower of the Nedlitz water border crossing at the end of Bertinistrasse - can be visited year-round since April 2020.

Permanent exhibition at the Seelow Heights Memorial Site

Jürgen Danyel, Irmgard Zündorf

Permanent exhibition | Seelow Heights Memorial Site, Seelow
The exhibition has been open to visitors since December 15, 2012.

The new permanent exhibition at the Seelow Heights Memorial Site informs visitors about the fighting west of the Oder at the end of the Second World War and the history of the memorial site since 1945.

Opening of the exhibition at Museum Ephraim-Palais in Berlin, photo: Stefanie Eisenhuth

Exhibition: „East Berlin. Half a Capital“

Jürgen Danyel, Hanno Hochmuth

May 11 to November 10, 2019 | Museum Ephraim-Palais, Berlin

The Leibniz Centre for Contemporary History Potsdam, and the Municipal Museum Berlin have preparied a joint exhibition on East Berlin in the Ephraim-Palais in the Nikolaiviertel. It provided new perspectives on the former metropolis of East Germany. The social and cultural dimensions of urban life in East Berlin were the heart of the exhibition.

Exhibition: Towards a friend – towards an enemy: The Inner-German Border Crossing at Drewitz-Dreilinden

Irmgard Zündorf

2009 | Drewitz-Dreilinden

In 2009, the exhibition was opened at and in the former Commandant’s Tower in Drewitz-Dreilinden together with the association Checkpoint Bravo.

Exhibition ‘Waldsiedlung Wandlitz: A Landscape of Power’ in the museum Barnim Panorama in Wandlitz. The exhibition team in front of one of the exhibition objects , photo: Marion Schlöttke.

Exhibition ‘Waldsiedlung Wandlitz: A Landscape of Power’

Jürgen Danyel, Elke Kimmel, Irmgard Zündorf

May 12 - November 9, 2016 | Museum Barnim Panorama, Wandlitz

The exhibition provided insights into the political style and lifestyle of the GDR’s leadership elite and documented the consequences for the region of the forest settlement and the security regime associated with it. Furthermore, on the grounds of the former Waldsiedlung, information shafts were erected, which provide information on the history of the Waldsiedlung, which was established from 1958 and used by the SED’s top functionaries until early 1990.

Berlin, stumbling block for Else Liebermann von Wahlendorf, Budapester Straße 45, published on 26.09.2006, photo: Axel Mauruszat, details on Wikimedia Commons

The History of the "Stumbling Block"

Dominik Juhnke

Completed associated research project

At an international conference in Berlin, various research projects on the history of the "Stolpersteine" were discussed. The results of the conference are documented in a book.

Students of media production at the echnischen Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe  (TH OWL) prepare the interview with with the now deceased Perleberg Museum Director Hans-Peter Freimark (centre), photo: ZZF Potsdam.

Documentation and Interview Project on the GDR History Museum in the Perleberg Documentation Centre

Irmgard Zündorf

Completed documentation and interview project
Project start: February 2020

Four students of the Master Public History programme (FU Berlin/ZZF Potsdam) and a two-person film team from the TH Ostwestfalen-Lippe preserved and digitised the unique history of the GDR History Museum in this project. One focus of the work was on the biography of Hans-Peter and Gisela Freimark, whose museum in Perleberg, Brandenburg, has housed a wealth of objects documenting the political system but also everyday life in the GDR since 2006. The aim of the project was a virtual tour of the museum.

Home page of the image database "Art in the GDR"

Exhibition ‘Goodbye to Icarus: Visual Worlds in the GDR – Seen in a New Light

Jürgen Danyel, Anja Tack

October 19 to February 3, 2013 | Neues Museum Weimar
Website/Image database
Kunst in der DDR:

In the exhibition and an accompanying website, the image database developed by the project group at the ZZF Potsdam presented using an excerpt. The database was used to catalogue the stocks of art works from 165 museums, collections, galleries, special depots and enterprises of the project partners.

Pupils Calendar 2019/2020 on the topic "Friedliche Revolution"

Irmgard Zündorf

Processing Time: 2018 | Potsdam

Together with the public relations department of the Brandenburg Landtag, the Public History section wrote texts for the pupil calendar 2019/2020 on the topic of "Friedliche Revolution". It explained both the Cold War and the SED dictatorship.

Sceenshot, Homepage of the online exhibition "Silent Testimonies of 1939".

Silent Testimonies of 1939 - The German Attack on Poland in Pictures and Documents

Irmgard Zündorf

Online exhibition
Launch on the website of the House of the Wannsee Conference: September 1, 2019 | Berlin

The aim of the project was to promote public engagement with family biographical testimonies to the Second World War from German and Polish perspectives. To this end, photographs, letters and diaries from private collections documenting the German invasion of Poland were collected. Some of the material was digitized, historically classified and made available to the public in an online exhibition.

Exhibition poster

Exhibition ‘The Daily Routine of Unification: Portrait of a Society in Transition’

Jürgen Danyel, Irmgard Zündorf

May 27, 2015 until February 2016 | Deutsches Historisches Museum, Berlin

The ZZF, in collaboration with the German Historical Museum, developed the exhibition and a catalogue of the same name. From the linguistic shifts to the dramatic changes in the world of work, from consumerism via the reciprocal perceptions of East and West Germans to the cultural upswing after the fall of the Berlin Wall, the exhibition provided insights into the everyday, cultural and experiential world of a German society in transition during the first half of the 1990s.

Cover of the DVD as a reasult of the project.

German Media Coverage of the Eichmann trial

Completed applied History Project
with students of the Public History Master Program (FU Berlin(ZZF Potsdam)

Project management: Dr. Irmgard Zündorf (ZZF) and Dr. Judith Keilbach (University of Utrecht)
Project team: Tabea Georges, Linda Graul, Anna Kokenge, Vivien Püschel, and Laura Zimmermann

The coverage of the Eichmann trial in Jerusalem in 1961 is regarded as one of the first international media events. Within the framework of the project, East and West German print media, contributions from news broadcasts as well as feature films and documentaries from 1961-1962 were evaluated. The material for the DVD was then selected and background information compiled.

Faltblatt zum Audio-Spaziergag im Berliner Volkspark Friedrichshain

ZWISCHEN ERHOLUNG & GEDENKEN - Ein Audio-Spaziergang im Volkspark Friedrichshain

Irmgard Zündorf

Online April 2024

Konzept, Texte und Redaktion: Nina Markert, Lene Schargitz und Jan-Niklas Welling (Studierenden des Public History Master FU Berlin/ZZF Potsdam)
Beratung: Paul Schmitz (Gedenk- und Aufstellungsort Friedhof der Märzgefallenen), Irmgard Zündorf (ZZF)

Documentation Centre of Everyday Culture in the GDR, Eisenhüttenstadt, photo: Andreas Ludwig.

Permanent exhibition ‘Everyday Life in the GDR’

Documentation Centre of Everyday Culture in the GDR, Eisenhüttenstadt
The permanent exhibition has been open since Apil 2012.
Collaboration at the ZZF: Dr. Irmgard Zündorf

The new permanent exhibition has been showing an overview of central themes of everyday life and its contexts. These range from "work" to "home" to the "socialist way of life" by means of numerous objects, photographs and documents.

Cover: Mythos der Revolution, 2018 (Hanser Verlag)

History of the Liebknechtportal

Dominik Juhnke

Associated research project

The project reconstructed the history of the Liebknecht Portal from newspaper articles, eyewitness reports, literary depictions, construction files and planning sketches – from the appearance of the workers’ leaders in front of the Palace entrance to the presentation of the balcony scene in the GDR’s interpretation of history. – Multimedia Website Project

Completed Collaborative Project: ZZF Potsdam, Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, Deutschlandradio
Project management at the ZZF: Dr. Hans Hermann-Hertle

The website, which covers the period from April 1952 to the end of 1953, reconstructs what led to the crisis, the uprising itself and the months thereafter: It explains the causes, the course and the consequences. The texts are illustrated and supplemented by a variety of different sources: for example film clips and original sounds from the RIAS archive.

Twitter-Project: @Mauerfall89

Twitter-Project (2013/14)
Project coordination at the ZZF: Dr. Hans-Hermann Hertle

From 19 August to 12 November 2014, the tweets, wherever possible in real-time, told the breathtaking events on the road to the peaceful revolution and the fall of the Berlin Wall: a. o.from the massive emigration of East German citizens and the problems of the diplomats in the overcrowded West German embassies in Prague and else where, the swelling citizens' protests and demonstrations in East Germany, up to the super-GAU in the history of the press conferences on 9 November 1989, the breakthrough of the Berlin Wall and the two days after.

Building complex of the former FDJ Youth College, 2016, photo: Martin Schmitt / ZZF Potsdam

The Former FDJ Youth College and the Goebbels Villa at Bogensee

Anja Tack

Completed Research and exhibition project
Development of an online exhibition on the history of Bogensee.

Project management: Dr. Irmgard Zündorf (ZZF) und Dr. Jürgen Danyel (ZZF), Project editor: Anja Tack

At Bogensee near Wandlitz, located in the middle of the forest, are two sites of Germany's past: the former villa of Reich Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels and the building complex of the former FDJ Youth College. Since 1999 the buildings have stood empty. Previous utilization concepts were unsuccessful. The aim of the project is to present the first research results on the history of the site in an online exhibition.

Temporary exhibition on the "Berlin Route of Migration", photo: Irmgard Zündorf.

Exhibition ‘Route of Migration’

Irmgard Zündorf

Container exhibitions October and November 2010 | Berlin
Completed Coolaborative Project of the ZZF with the Public History Master`s program (FU Berlin/ZZF Potsdam)

Container exhibitions provided information on the history of migration using the example of Berlin. The Network Migration, a platform of academics and practitioners in the field of migration and integration, was instrumental in realising this collaborative project on the fiftieth anniversary of the recruitment agreements with Turkey.

Students of the Public History Master (Free University of Berlin/ZZF Potsdam) presented the Website Website ‘Continuities, Ruptures, New Beginning? A Virtual Exhibition on Handling National Socialism in the BMI and the MDI from 1949 to 1970’" in the BMI, Photo: Hans-Hermann Hertle.

Continuities, Ruptures, New Beginning? A Virtual Exhibition on Handling National Socialism in the BMI and the MDI from 1949 to 1970

Irmgard Zündorf

Website-Project | Virtual Exhibition
Opening: 26 June 2017

The virtual exhibition designed and implemented by students of Master Public History (Free University Berlin/ZZF Potsdam) tells ‘history with stories’. Short biographies provide an insight into the careers of senior personnel from both German interior ministries. It is closely intertwined with the thematic focal points, offers a multifaceted approach and brings historical processes to life.

Website der TMB mit der Dokumentation der zeitgeschichtlichen Erinnerungsorten in Brandenburg, Sceenshot vom 20-08-2021.

Memorial Sites of the 20th century in Brandenburg

Completed Collaborative Project: ZZF Potsdam in cooperation with TMB Tourism Marketing Brandenburg GmbH

Thirty-two places of remembrance in Brandenburg from the period of the Nazi dictatorship from 1933 to 1945 and the SBZ/DDR dictatorship from 1945-1989/90 were presented in short information texts by scientists from the ZZF Potsdam.

Exhibition "Rassenhygiene und Terrorjustiz" at the Lindenstraße Memorial Site, photo: Marion Schlöttke.

Lindenstraße Memorial Site

Project coordination at the ZZF: Prof. Dr. Thomas Schaarschmidt / Dr. Hans-Hermann Hertle
Forschungs- und Ausstellungsprojekt (Laufzeit: 2007–2013)
The permanent exhibition at the Stiftung Gedenkstätte Lindenstraße has been open to visitors since September 12, 2013.

Located in the heart of historic Potsdam, the Lindenstrasse memorial site is a unique place of memory. The permanent exhibition at the Lindenstrasse memorial site has been open to visitors since September 12, 2013.

Workshop: Public History in der Lehre

Irmgard Zündorf

2.-3. Dezember 2019 | Bochum
Ziel des Workshops war neben dem gemeinsamen Austausch zwischen den verschiedenen Studienangeboten die Entwicklung konkreter Impulse für die (Weiter)entwicklung derselben.