Documentation and Interview Project on the GDR History Museum in the Perleberg Documentation Centre


Students of media production at the echnischen Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe  (TH OWL) prepare the interview with with the now deceased Perleberg Museum Director Hans-Peter Freimark (centre), photo: ZZF Potsdam.

Completed digital resource
Beginn des Projektes
February 2020
Ende des Projektes
April 2022

Completed documentation and interview project

Project start: February 2020
Projekt leader: Dr. Irmgard Zündorf  (ZZF Potsdam)
Public History-Team: Josephine Eckert, Thomas Köhler, Freya Ziegelitz, Sophie Lutz
Film team: Malte Blum, Mathis Giebeler

The project was funded by the Beauftragte des Landes Brandenburg zur Aufarbeitung der Folgen der kommunistischen Diktatur.

Opened in 2006, the GDR History Museum in the Documentation Centre in the small town of Perleberg in Brandenburg offers a wealth of illustrative material from and about the GDR. Gisela and Hans-Peter Freimark (deceased 4 October 2020) began collecting objects as early as the 1980s to document the political system but also everyday life in the GDR. In particular, the Freimarks' oppositional engagement, who as pastors and community helpers in the GDR, resolutely campaigned for peace and disarmament and thus opposed the SED, is depicted in the exhibition with numerous photos and objects.

Four students of the Master Public History programme (FU Berlin/ZZF Potsdam) and a two-person film team from the TH Ostwestfalen-Lippe preserved and digitised the unique history of the GDR History Museum in the project. They were supported by Irmgard Zündorf, head of the department "Public History" at the ZZF. One focus of the work was the biography of Hans-Peter and Gisela Freimark. The project's primary goal was to preserve the historical site and its extensive and unique exhibition. In the future, visitors to the documentation centre should have the opportunity to take part in a digitised guided tour of the exhibition. In a second part of the project, a tablet tour was to be developed with the students.

Hinweise zum Projektabschluss

Project results:

Digital exhibition visit to the DDR Documentation Centre in Perleberg
Since 2006, Gisela and Hans-Peter Freimark have been showing a wealth of objects in their museum in Perleberg, Brandenburg, which document the political system as well as everyday life in the GDR. Those who want to get to know the exhibition can now visit it online: Irmgard Zündorf has developed a digital tour with students of Public History. Interviews also provide an insight into the life story of the Freimark family.
Visit the exhibition online

A trailer (02:25 min.) about the project produced by the students can be found on the video portal Vimeo under this link:

Read the field reports about a student interview project in the Brandenburg province: "Räume voller Erinnerungen", published: ZZF-Portal zeitgeschichte|online, 04.09.2020 from Josephine Eckert, Thomas Köhler, Sophie Lutz, Freya Ziegelitz



Irmgard Zündorf

Leibniz-Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung
Am Neuen Markt 1
14467 Potsdam

Email: zuendorf [at]
Telefon: Tel.: 0331/28991-13

zur Mitarbeiterseite

Irmgard Zündorf

Public History-Team: Josephine Eckert, Thomas Köhler, Freya Ziegelitz, Sophie Lutz
Filmteam: Malte Blum, Mathis Giebeler