The media heritage of the GDR

The BMBF joint project investigates the emergence, transformation and use of GDR-related media. Mass media and private media as well as their usage environments are analysed. In addition to the research projects, the network is developing a handbook on GDR film, a new website with oral history interviews and a portal on GDR narrow film.




The Transformation of Television and Lifeworld („Lebenswelt“) in East Germany

Nikolai Okunew

Research project
From 4/2019 to 10/2020 Peter Ulrich Weiß worked on the project.

Based on a program and user analysis for the period from 1989 to the mid-2000s, the project examines how the so-called "Third Programs" ORB and MDR as well as selected local television stations accompanied the profound social change. At the same time, the study asks what contribution the television stations themselves made to the profound change in the new federal states.

© Arnaldus cc-by-sa 3.0 on wikimedia commons. Taken over from:
Processing: Olaf Berg (zzf) cc-by-sa 3.0

Online Platforms on the Media Heritage of the GDR

Olaf Berg
Research project

The project develops innovative concepts and digital solutions - firstly for the processing, indexing and archiving of research data and secondly for the presentation of the research results of the BMBF-funded research network "The Media Heritage of the GDR".

Erklärung des ZZF-Teams zu den öffentlichen Äußerungen von Michael Meyen

Das ZZF-Team des Projektes "Das mediale Erbe der DDR" distanziert sich nachdrücklich von den politischen Äußerungen und Interviews von Michael Meyen.
Eine Erklärung der Potsdamer Projektgruppe „Das mediale Erbe der DDR“ zu den öffentlichen Äußerungen von Michael Meyen finden Sie hier (pdf)

Fotoalbum aus der DDR, Photo: Sandra Starke

Private photo albums in the GDR

Sandra Starke

PhD project

Private photo albums form an important part of the biographical memory of people from the former GDR. What specifics can be developed from the examination of private photography with regard to the aspects of the world of work, travel, visits to the West, socialist prestige projects and major propaganda events as well as political caesura and events?

© Dmitri Popov / Unsplash

Memory in (digital) transition: The GDR on the Internet since the 1990s

Lea Frese-Renner

PhD project

In the immediate aftermath of the GDR’s dissolution, a different and decisive “Wende” in media history set in: With the World Wide Web a new period of digitisation began in the 1990s. The PhD project investigates the interactions and interdependencies of this twofold transition in the aftermath of 1989/90.

moving history | 2 - Festival of historical films

Christoph Classen

Project collaborators: Dr. Christoph Classen (ZZF), Dr. Ilka Brombach (moving history)
Theme 2019: "When we were dreaming - revolution, fall of the wall, post-reunification"

The media heritage of the GDR

The BMBF joint project investigates the emergence, transformation and use of GDR-related media. Mass media and private media as well as their usage environments are analysed. In addition to the research projects, the network is developing a handbook on GDR film, a new website with oral history interviews and a portal on GDR narrow film.




The Transformation of Television and Lifeworld („Lebenswelt“) in East Germany

Nikolai Okunew

Research project
From 4/2019 to 10/2020 Peter Ulrich Weiß worked on the project.

Based on a program and user analysis for the period from 1989 to the mid-2000s, the project examines how the so-called "Third Programs" ORB and MDR as well as selected local television stations accompanied the profound social change. At the same time, the study asks what contribution the television stations themselves made to the profound change in the new federal states.

© Arnaldus cc-by-sa 3.0 on wikimedia commons. Taken over from:
Processing: Olaf Berg (zzf) cc-by-sa 3.0

Online Platforms on the Media Heritage of the GDR

Olaf Berg
Research project

The project develops innovative concepts and digital solutions - firstly for the processing, indexing and archiving of research data and secondly for the presentation of the research results of the BMBF-funded research network "The Media Heritage of the GDR".

Erklärung des ZZF-Teams zu den öffentlichen Äußerungen von Michael Meyen

Das ZZF-Team des Projektes "Das mediale Erbe der DDR" distanziert sich nachdrücklich von den politischen Äußerungen und Interviews von Michael Meyen.
Eine Erklärung der Potsdamer Projektgruppe „Das mediale Erbe der DDR“ zu den öffentlichen Äußerungen von Michael Meyen finden Sie hier (pdf)

Fotoalbum aus der DDR, Photo: Sandra Starke

Private photo albums in the GDR

Sandra Starke

PhD project

Private photo albums form an important part of the biographical memory of people from the former GDR. What specifics can be developed from the examination of private photography with regard to the aspects of the world of work, travel, visits to the West, socialist prestige projects and major propaganda events as well as political caesura and events?

© Dmitri Popov / Unsplash

Memory in (digital) transition: The GDR on the Internet since the 1990s

Lea Frese-Renner

PhD project

In the immediate aftermath of the GDR’s dissolution, a different and decisive “Wende” in media history set in: With the World Wide Web a new period of digitisation began in the 1990s. The PhD project investigates the interactions and interdependencies of this twofold transition in the aftermath of 1989/90.

moving history | 2 - Festival of historical films

Christoph Classen

Project collaborators: Dr. Christoph Classen (ZZF), Dr. Ilka Brombach (moving history)
Theme 2019: "When we were dreaming - revolution, fall of the wall, post-reunification"