Continuities, Ruptures, New Beginning? A Virtual Exhibition on Handling National Socialism in the BMI and the MDI from 1949 to 1970


Students of the Public History Master (Free University of Berlin/ZZF Potsdam) presented the Website Website ‘Continuities, Ruptures, New Beginning? A Virtual Exhibition on Handling National Socialism in the BMI and the MDI from 1949 to 1970’" in the BMI, Photo: Hans-Hermann Hertle.

Completed exhibition project
Ende des Projektes
June 2017

Website-Project | Virtual Exhibition
Opening: 26 June 2017

Students of Master Public History (Free University Berlin/ZZF Potsdam) designed and implemented the virtual exhibition ‘Continuities, Ruptures, New Beginning? Handling National Socialism in the Two German Interior Ministries, 1949–1970’. In doing so, they could draw on the findings of the research project on the post-war history of the Federal Ministry of the Interior (BMI) and the Ministry of the Interior of the GDR (MdI), which is jointly conducted by the Institute of Contemporary History Munich – Berlin (IfZ) and the Centre for Contemporary History Potsdam (ZZF).
The virtual exhibition tells ‘history with stories’. Short biographies provide an insight into the careers of senior personnel from both German interior ministries. It is closely intertwined with the thematic focal points, offers a multifaceted approach and brings historical processes to life. Above all this hovers the central question of what ‘incrimination’ means. In an interactive survey, your personal opinion is sought.
The exhibition ‘Continuities, Ruptures, New Beginning? Handling National Socialism in the Two German Interior Ministries, 1949–1970’ opened on 26 June 2017 in the BMI by Federal Minister of the Interior Thomas de Maizière.

Project coordination at the ZZF: Dr. Irmgard Zündorf



Irmgard Zündorf

Leibniz-Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung
Am Neuen Markt 1
14467 Potsdam

Email: zuendorf [at]
Telefon: Tel.: 0331/28991-13

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