Expecting Limits and Limiting Expectations – Economic Expertise, Environmental Policy and Consumption, 1970-2000


Coal-fired power plant in Herne, Photo: Ra Boe, Flug Rom Düsseldorf Hamburg 2013, CC-BY-SA-3.0

Research project
Project-Leader: Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Graf

Within the DFG Priority Program on “Experience and Expectation: Historical Foundations of Economic Behavior,” the project analyzes the importance of economic expertise for environmental policy-making. It focuses on the Federal Republic of Germany but also reflects the inter- and transnational entanglements of environmental policy. Focusing on regulatory strategies, the project will ask how the relationship between economic instruments, laws and sanctions, educational measures and behavioral strategies, which have recently been labelled as “nudges”, changed in the last third of the twentieth century. Two sub-projects will examine the work of the expert councils on the environment and the strategies to influence environmental behavior, especially energy consumption:
Laura Kaiser, PhD Project 1: Economic Expertise and Environmental Regulation in West German since the 1970s
Thomas Lettang, PhD Project 2: Regulating energy consumption in the Federal Republic of Germany, 1970-2000


Thomas Lettang

Regulating energy consumption in the Federal Republic of Germany, 1970-2000

Associated PhD project
Part of the project “Expecting Limits and Limiting Expectations – Economic Expertise, Environmental Policy and Consumption, 1970-2000”. The project examines the regulation of the energy consumption of private households from the 1970s to 1990s. 

Laura Kaiser

Economic Expertise and Environmental Regulation in West German since the 1970s

Associated PhD project
Part of the Project "Expecting Limits and Limiting Expectations – Economic Expertise, Environmental Policy and Consumption, 1970-2000". The project examines the growing importance of economic regulation in West German environmental policy in the last third of the 20th century. In particular, it focuses on the proliferation of economic expertise in advisory boards such as the Council of Experts on Environmental Issues.