New Article on Docupedia-Zeitgeschichte: Oral History (english version)



An archived oral history interview being viewed in the reading room of the Research Centre for Contemporary History in Hamburg, 2022. Photographer: Fabian Hammerl © (cropped)

In the article Andrea Althaus and Linde Apel explore how oral history has developed over time, which international and interdisciplinary influences have proven significant, its underlying theoretical and methodological concepts, and which factors might shape its future.

Read the article online on Docupedia:
Andrea Althaus, Linde Apel, Oral History (english version), Version: 1.0, in: Docupedia-Zeitgeschichte, 16.01.2024,

German Version: Oral History


Docupedia-Zeitgeschichte is a service of the online platform Zeitgeschichte digital with which the ZZF Potsdam is developing its own digital research infrastructure.