


Docupedia-Zeitgeschichte conveys basic knowledge in the field of contemporary history to a broader public. The open-access online reference work enables readers to remain informed about research trends, subjects, controversies, theories and methods in contemporary history.

The approximately 150 contributions to the still-growing repository, which is hosted by the ZZF, offer reliable knowledge in various fields. The authors are renowned experts and an editing board of professional historians guarantees the high quality of the blind peer-reviewed contributions. Docupedia was funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) in cooperation with Humboldt University Berlin in the years 2008-2011.

The aim of the online portal is, along with the discipline’s internal communication, to provide basic knowledge in contemporary history beyond the narrow borders of research networks and academic journals. Ever more Docupedia contributions serve as teaching resources at universities and offer comprehensive introductions into various subjects for teachers, students, journalists and educational staff. Thus, Docupedia supports the transfer of knowledge between the academic community and the general public.

Head of Project and Editor-in-Chief: Christine Bartlitz
Technical management and idea: Karsten Borgmann
Responsible for content according to §55 Abs. 2 RSTV: Prof. Dr. Annette Vowinckel