10th Tensions of Europe Conference, Aarhus (Dänemark): "Negotiations over Economic Incentives as Policy Instruments: The Role of the German Advisory Council on the Environment in the Implementation of the Polluter-Pays-Principle during the 1970s", 01.07.2022.
Workshop "Environmental Governance. Experience, Knowledge, Expectations since 1945" (PD Dr. Rüdiger Graf, Dr. Nils Güttler, Thomas Lettang, Laura Kaiser), ZZF Potsdam: "How to Make the Polluter Pay? The Role of the German Advisory Council of the Environment in the Implementation of a Foundational Policy Principle during the 1970s", 17.09.2021.
Forschungskolloquium Neuere Geschichte und Technikgeschichte (Prof. Dr. Nicolai Hannig), TU Darmstadt: "Expertenberatung zur Steuerung der Zukunft - Der Sachverständigenrat für Umweltfragen 1971-2000 zwischen Wissenschaft und Politik", 06.07.2021.