Olivier Wieviorka, Pere Ysàs, Francesc Vilanova,
Jean-François Chanet, Stefan-Ludwig Hoffmann, Peter Romijn,
Sandrine Kott
Fundació Carles Pi i Sunyer, Agence nationale de la
recherche / Programme OME (« Les occupations militaires en
Europe, xve-xxe siècle »), École des hautes études hispaniques
et ibériques (Casa de Velázquez, Madrid), Centre d’Estudis sobre
les Èpoques Franquista i Democràtica (Universitat Autònoma de
Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung Potsdam,
Nederlands Instituut voor Oorlogsdocumentatie,
Université de Genève
Seeking Peace in the Wake of War
From 1944 to 1946, European countries are liberated from Fascist and National Socialist rule. This means both the evacuation of territories occupied by the Third Reich and the end of war, except for Germany. These years also open a new era which features are the search for new political or social balances and a graduate imposition of Stalinist order in Eastern Europe. Whatever the conditions of liberation and those of material, demographic and civic reconstructions as well as political reorganization, it appears that military interventions may work towards immediate practices of problem-solving. But, it hardly create sufficient leverage for building political consensus and legitimacy. The Spain question fits into this workshop since, despite its specificities, the Civil War period links up its history with that of Europe. Moreover, its neutrality did not prevent this country from suffering the aftershocks of the «totalization» of the war. This workshop aims to discuss several comparative hypotheses on the the impact of the military on the politics and practices of transition, putting in relation spaces that are not necessarily connected: Eastern, Western, Mediterranean and Balkanic Europe.
Programme (PDF)
Fundació Charles Pi i Sunyer, Casa Golferichs,
Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes 491, 08015 Barcelona
Casa de Velázquez
C/ de Paul de Guinard, 3
Ciudad Universitaria
28040 Madrid
E-Mail: ehehi [at] cvz [dot] es
Tel.: 0034 914 551 580
Fax: 0034 915 446 870