Europast Summer School


Art der Veranstaltung
Summer School
Lund, Schweden

Organizer:  Leibniz Centre for Contemporary History (ZZF Potsdam), Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology (Lund University), Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH, University of Luxembourg), Institute of International Relations and Political Science (Vilnius University)

In close collaboration with the Leibniz Centre for Contemporary History (ZZF) Potsdam, the Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology (Lund University), and the Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C2DH, University of Luxembourg), the Institute of International Relations and Political Science, Vilnius University, is leading a three-year Horizon Twinning project "Facing the Past. Public History for a Strenger Europe". The project aims to explore the theory and practice of engaging citizens in the co-production and communication of the past in the digital age. 
Through an effective combination of training, networking, research, and communication activities, the project will establish an interdisciplinary research network, which will contribute to the democratization of historical practices through inclusion, empowerment, and engagement of citizens in critical debates about the past. The EUROPAST training programme, led by the C2DH, envisions the organization of three Summer Schools. The first Summer School, focusing on theory and practice, will take place at the University of Lund, LUX Building, Department of History.

The Lund Summer School aims to gather scholars with an interest in the evolution of European history in the 20th and 21st centuries, and in debates on these processes beyond academia. 
The program comprises two core elements: theory, which explores the influence of social and political change, the advantages and disadvantages of digitisation, citizen science and co-production, history's role in the public sphere, and shared authority; and practice, which delves into the communication of history, exhibitions, websites, museums, and other initiatives related to public history. 

All members associated with one of the four partners can register until May 25 by sending an email to Odeta Rudling: odeta [dot] rudling [at] hist [dot] lu [dot] se

The Summer School will be held in hybrid mode. The hands-­on workshops will be on-site only. 
Kindly indicate in your registration whether you plan to attend on-site (if so, which days) or online. The link will be sent to you prior to the event. 

You can download the programme below.


University of Lund
LUX Building, Department of History
Helgonavägen 3
223 62 Lund

Kontakt und Anmeldung

Odeta Rudling
University of Lund
LUX Building, Department of History
Helgonavägen 3
223 62 Lund

E-Mail: odeta [dot] rudling [at] hist [dot] lu [dot] se


Kontakt für das ZZF:

Dora Komnenovic
Leibniz-Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung Potsdam
Am Neuen Markt 1
14467 Potsdam

Büro: Am Neuen Markt 9d, Raum 1.09
Tel.: 0331/74510-125
Fax: 0331/74510-143

E-Mail: dora [dot] komnenovic [at] zzf-potsdam [dot] de (dora[dot]komnenovic[at]zzf-potsdam[dot]de)