David Holloway (Stanford University): The Soviet Union: Science, Technology, and Modernity


Art der Veranstaltung

Vortrag von Prof. Dr. David Holloway (Stanford University) 
Bernd Greiner (Berliner Kolleg Kalter Krieg). 
(Veranstaltung in englischer Sprache)
Zeit: 18 Uhr

There were those – in the Soviet Union and outside – who greatly admired the Soviet commitment to science and technology.  There were others who thought that the Soviet system inhibited scientific progress and technological innovation.  And there were critics who regarded Soviet communism as a product of science and modernity, the perverse extreme of the belief that the world can be understood as a system and directed to the benefit of humanity.  What does the Soviet experience tell us about science and technology?  And what do science and technology tell us about the Soviet Union? 

Plakat zum Vortrag (pdf)

David Holloway, Historiker und Politikwissenschaftler. Professor für Politikwissenschaften, Raymond A. Spruance Professor für Internationale Geschichte und Senior Fellow am Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies an der Stanford University. Arbeitsgebiete: Ost-West-Beziehungen, Wissenschaft und Technik in der Sowjetunion, Geschichte der Nuklearwaffen. Publikationen u.a.: Stalin and the Bomb. The Soviet Union and the Atomic Energy 1939-1956, Yale University Press: New Haven 1994.

Eine Veranstaltung im Rahmen der Reihe Nach dem Ende der Illusion: Was bleibt vom Kommunismus im 21. Jahrhundert?


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