Programm zur 40th Annual Conference of the German Studies Association in San Diego
Hier finden Sie eine Übersicht über die Beteiligung von Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern des ZZF Potsdam an Sektionen und Podiumsdiskussionen auf der diesjährigen GSA-Tagung (pdf, Stand Juli 2016)
The German Studies Association is the national and international association of scholars in all fields of German Studies. Its interest spans the period from the earliest times to the present Federal Republic of Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. A multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary organization, the Association welcomes as members all those whose interests involve specific or broad aspects of history, literature, culture studies, politics and government, relating to German-speaking Europe. Members of the Association receive the German Studies Review, the electronic Newsletter, the Conference Program, and all other publications except for books published in the Spektrum series, which are available from Berghahn Books.
The annual conferences of the German Studies Association bring together over one thousandscholars in the areas of German history, literature, culture, and politics. Presentations range over the period between the Middle Ages and the present. Not only established scholars but also younger ones, including graduate students, are welcome.
ZZF-Wissenschaftler und Wissenschaftlerinnen auf der diesjährigen GSA-Tagung:
Sessions Number: 11, 135, 261
Biographical Approaches to Germany’s Divided Past
Garden Salon 2 – Fri/Sat/Sun 8:00 AM – 10:15 AM
Stefanie Eisenhuth
Hanno Hochmuth
Martin Sabrow
Dominik Juhnke
Sessions Number: 13, 138, 264
Material Culture and Its Discontents
Le Sommet – Fri/Sat/Sun 8:00 AM – 10:15 AM
Thomas Lindenberger
Session Number: 84
Ten Days that Shook the Century? Modernity and the Meaning of the Russian October Revolution
Fri 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM Sunrise
Jan C. Behrends
Session Number: 185
Reframing Post-War German Identity: Consumerism, Youth Culture and Urban Space
Sat 10:30 AM – 12:15 PM Windsor
Bodo Mrozek: German Post-War Youth Culture: A Case of “Americanization”?
Session Number: 249
Historicizing and Problematizing “Historical Authenticity”
Sat 4:15 PM – 6:00 PM Windsor Rose
Moderator: Martin Sabrow
Achim Saupe: Authenticity: Aspects of a Key Concept in Cultural History and Public Memory
San Diego, California, Town and Country, Resort & Convention Center
German Studies Association (GSA)