Wulf Kansteiner und Christoph Classen (Ed.)

History and Theory

Studies in the Philosophy of History


Theme issue 47: Historical Representation and Historical Truth

CHRISTOPH CLASSEN and WULF KANSTEINER, Truth and Authenticity in Contemporary Historical Culture: An Introduction to Historical Representation and Historical Truth || no abstract || JSTOR || Wiley Online Library

ANN RIGNEY, All This Happened, More or Less: What a Novelist Made of the Bombing of Dresden || abstract || JSTOR || Wiley Online Library

WULF KANSTEINER, Success, Truth, and Modernism in Holocaust Historiography: Reading Saul Friedländer Thirty-Five Years after the Publication of Metahistory  || abstract || JSTOR || Wiley Online Library

JUDITH KEILBACH, Photographs, Symbolic Images, and the Holocaust: On the (Im)possibility of Depicting Historical Truth || abstract || JSTOR || Wiley Online Library

CHRISTOPH CLASSEN, Balanced Truth: Steven Spielberg’s Schindler’s List among History, Memory, and Popular Culture || abstract || JSTOR || Wiley Online Library

CLAUDIO FOGU, Digitalizing Historical Consciousness || abstract || JSTOR || Wiley Online Library

BETTINA M. CARBONELL, The Syntax of Objects and the Representation of History: Speaking of Slavery in New York || abstract || JSTOR || Wiley Online Library

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