Media Intellectuals from the Right? The Development of Right-Wing Ideology after 1945 in Germany and France


Beginn des Projektes
October 2021

Associated Postdoc project
Part of the project "The Radical Right in Germany, 1945-2000"

In my research project, I am investigating how radical right-wing ideologies have changed since 1945 in the Federal Republic and in France. Which discourses remained stable over the decades and where and when did new elements appear? The main discourses to be analyzed are, first, Franco-German radical right politics of the past, second, "Eurafrica" and the decolonization of Africa, and third, population politics and "Volkstod." I follow these discourses both in comparison and in terms of the transfer of ideas over three decades. As sources, the monthly magazines Nation Europa from Coburg (1951-1990, later Nation & Europa ) and Défense de l'occident (1951-1982) from Paris are central. After a common origin in a - quickly failed - neo-fascist international, they emerged as the most stable forums of text-based right-wing radicalism in their respective countries. Their editors and authors shaped the radical right discourses both in their topic setting and through the construction of (international) authorities and the moderation of differing opinions. Are they in this sense radical right-wing (media) intellectuals, as is assumed for the editor of Défense de l'occident Maurice Bardèche in France?

To project website:

Marie Müller-Zetzsche


Marie Müller-Zetzsche

Leibniz-Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung
Am Neuen Markt 1
14467 Potsdam

Email: mueller-zetzsche [at]

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