Information stelae in the Waldsiedlung Wandlitz


Segment of the exhibition ‘Waldsiedlung Wandlitz: A Landscape of Power’, photo: Marion Schlöttke

Completed exhibition project
Ende des Projektes
October 2017

Exhibition project - information stelae
Open to the public since October 2017

The ZZF has cooperated in this project with the municipalities of Bernau and Wandlitz as well as with the Brandenburg-Klinik.

Management at the ZZF: Jürgen Danyel
Project editor: Elke Kimmel

Since June 2017, the former housing estate of the SED elite near Bernau has been listed as a historical monument: the layout of the area has remained unchanged to this day and in individual buildings even parts of the original furnishings have been preserved. Already in May 2016 - initially as part of the special exhibition "Waldsiedlung Wandlitz" of the Wandlitzer Barnim Panorama - work began on setting up an information system in the settlement.
Since October 2017, 14 info steles at selected locations have been providing information about why the settlement was built at this location, which politicians inhabited it and who supplied it. The end of the Waldsiedlung in the course of the peaceful revolution in 1989 and its new use as a rehabilitation facility are also addressed. In addition to the brief texts on the panels, interested visitors have the opportunity to access further information on the Internet via embedded QR codes. An expansion of the orientation offer as well as the construction of a visitor center are planned.



Jürgen Danyel

Leibniz-Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung
Am Neuen Markt 1
14467 Potsdam

Email: danyel [at]
Telefon: 0331/28991-26

zur Mitarbeiterseite



Foto: Tourismusverein Naturpark Barnim

Elke Kimmel

Leibniz-Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung
Am Neuen Markt 1
14467 Potsdam

Email: elke.kimmel [at]
Telefon: 0179/7466344

zur Mitarbeiterseite