The Political Promotion of "Future Industries" and Innovation in the Federal Republic of Germany and Great Britain, ca. 1965-1990


Cockpit of an Airbus 319, photo: CC-BY SA 2.5

Ende des Projektes
January 2022

Completed research project
Funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG)

Historical research on politics confronting economic structural change during the last third of the twentieth century has mainly focused on the crises of ‘old’ industries (coal, steel, shipbuilding, textiles). By contrast, this project analysed the promotion of ‘future industries’ supposed to be especially innovative, and of research and development in general. Comparing the respective policies pursued in the Federal Republic and Great Britain from the mid-1960s to the end of the 1980s, it concentrated especially on the aerospace industry as well as on the information and communication technologies. 

Pursuing the general question as to what extent the respective policies were following specific national traditions and concepts or if any convergences can be observed over the course of the decades, and contrasting contemporary assessments with long-term quantitative developments, two highly industrialised countries with considerable differences regarding political institutions and economic structures were investigated. The project considered mutual observations, transnational cooperation and European industrial policy as well. At the same time, the project analysed the degree to which the promotion of ‘future industries’ reflected general imaginations of economic and social future.

Hinweise zum Projektabschluss


Result publications:

  • Ralf Ahrens, Strukturpolitik und Subventionen. Debatten und industriepolitische Entscheidungen in der Bonner Republik, Göttingen: Wallstein 2022 
  • Ralf Ahrens, The importance of being European: Airbus and West German industrial policy from the 1960s to the 1980s, in: Journal of Modern European History 18 (2020)
  • Ralf Ahrens, Varieties of Subsidization? Die staatliche Förderung der Computerindustrie in der Bundesrepublik und Großbritannien von den 1960er bis 1980er Jahren, in: Ingo Köhler/Eva-Maria Roelevink (Hg.), Transformative Moderne: Struktur, Prozess und Handeln in der Wirtschaft, Münster 2021
  • Ralf Ahrens, Industriepolitik und transnationale Kooperation. Die Subventionierung des Airbus-Projekts in der Bundesrepublik und Großbritannien, in: Historische Zeitschrift 314 (2022)


Ralf Ahrens

Leibniz-Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung
Am Neuen Markt 1
14467 Potsdam

Email: ahrens [at]
Telefon: 0331/74510-137

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