

Electronic periodicals

  1. ZZF Collections in the Electronic Periodical Library (EZB) Service for the full-text use of academic periodicals. All full-text periodicals accessible in the ZZF at a glance, including the publisher packages via national licences. Access options are indicated with dots of different colours. The EZB comprises more than 45,000 titles, including over 5,700 purely online periodicals, in all subject areas. More than 22,400 periodicals are freely accessible in full text (green light). E-journals subscribed to by the ZZF have a yellow or yellow-red light.
  2. JSTOR - The Scholarly Journal Archive This electronic archive of periodicals provides access to primarily Anglo-American electronic periodicals in full text from their first issue to a so-called ‘moving wall’ (2-5 years before the current issue, depending on the periodical). The licence of the ZZF encompasses access to the full texts of the Arts and Sciences I – VII Collection (at total of more than 900 titles) and the Public Health Reports.
  3. F.A.Z. 49-92 and F.A.Z.-BiblioNet The database F.A.Z. 49-92 contains all articles that appeared in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung from its first issue on 1 November 1949 until 31 December 1992. This is a total of over 2.8 million articles from more than 13,000 issues of the F.A.Z. from the years 1949 to 1992. More than 350,000 newspaper pages can be retrieved as facsimiles.
    F.A.Z.-BiblioNet is the ‘current’ archive of the F.A.Z. It contains the articles of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung from 1 January 1993 onwards, the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung since 1995 and FAZ.NET since 2001. F.A.Z.-BiblioNet is updated on a daily basis.
  4. DFG-funded national licenses via the EZB: Full-text access to journals and reference works, including:
  • COMINTERN Electronic Archives This database contains a complete inventory of the collections of the Comintern archives (55 million pages, accessible without a subscription) as well as a continually expanding full-text archive of the most frequently used documents as graphics files. The digital copies focus on the commissions, the secretariats and departments that worked under the Executive Committee of the Communist International (IKKI), on the state secretariats and regional offices, the party delegations attached to the Comintern and other units of particular interest such as the Lenin schools and the Workers’ International Relief.
  • Digital National Security Archive / DNSA The Digital National Security Archive of the USA is the most comprehensive collection of significant primary documents on US foreign and military policy since 1945. The database contains more than 50,000 of the most important released documents. These comprise not only political texts such as presidential directives, memos and diplomatic dispatches but also session minutes, independent reports, briefings, notifications from the White House, e-mails, confidential letters and other secret documents.
  • Financial Times Historical Archive 1888-2006 The Financial Times Historical Archive encompasses the complete contents of all print issues of the Financial Times from 1888 to 2006. The supplements Financial Times Magazine and How to Spend it are also part of the archive. The content can be searched in full text, whilst the statistics and tables contained therein can be exported and downloaded. At the same time, every single issue is individually researchable.
  • Historical Newspapers The offer comprises eight newspapers: The Guardian, The Observer, The New York Times, The Boston Globe, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, The Chicago Tribune and The Los Angeles Times.
    Included in the offer are not only the complete newspaper pages (PDF files) but also the individually-indexed articles, comments, reviews, photos, caricatures, advertisements, letters to the editor and personal announcements. The offer comprises a total of 19 million articles.
  • Integrum World Wide Integrum World Wide is the largest full-text database in Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States with currently more than 360 million documents. The electronic full texts in Russian and English focus on the areas of politics, culture, economics and society in Russia and the CIS. Contents include texts from the Russian and English press updated hourly (regional and transregional newspapers and periodicals, monitor services from television and radio, press agencies), statistics (Goskomstat), texts of legislation, government publications, patent specifications (Rospatent), quality literature, bibliographical databases of the Russian Academy of Sciences (INION), Internet sources, address and telephone books, Yellow Pages, etc.
  • Izvestia Digital Archive (1917-2001) This database comprises the digitalised issues of Izvestia (PDF format) from 1917 to 2001.
  • Pravda Digital Archive (1912-2009) This database comprises the digitalised full texts of the Russian-language daily newspaper Pravda from 1912 to 2009.
  • The Times Digital Archive 1785–1985 / TDA This database comprises the full text issues of The Times from 1785 to 1985.
  • Times Literary Supplement Historical Archive 1902–2013 This database comprises the full text issues of the Times Literary Supplement from 1902 to 2005. The Times Literary Supplement reviews works from all academic subject areas, as well as quality literature and current productions from theatre, cinema and exhibitions.
  • World Biographical Information System / WBIS The World Biographical Information System Online (WBIS Online) comprises several million short biographies from numerous reference works published from the sixteenth century to the mid-twentieth century. The biographical archives contained take into account difference linguistic and cultural regions.
  1. Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) Inventory of currently 4,359 freely-accessible academic periodicals, peer-reviewed, from all kinds of subject areas.