Data bases – Specialist portals



Datenbank-Infosystem (DBIS)

The Datenbank-Infosystem (DBIS) is a cooperative service for the use of scholarly databases. It provides an index of free and licensed scholarly databases with brief descriptions of their content.

The Datenbank-Infosystem currently has 8,190 entries. Of these, 2,845 databases are freely accessible online. The databases are sorted by subject area. There is also an advanced search option enabling key-word searches or finding databases with a geographical focus.

DFG-funded national licenses at the ZZF via DBIS


Historische Bibliografie Online (Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag)

The Historische Bibliographie Online database currently contains 282,231 bibliographical entries on published titles of historical specialist literature since 1990 – monographs as well as contributions to periodicals and edited volumes. This is not including the yearbook of historical research with 9,413 as yet unpublished research projects in progress.


OLC-SSG Zeitgeschichte – Online Contents-Sondersammelgebiete

The OLC-SSG Zeitgeschichte database is a specialized version of the Swets Online Contents database continuously updated with new periodicals from numerous libraries. At present, 200 periodicals are being retrospectively evaluated – generally up until 1993, though sometimes beyond. Updated weekly, the database contains more than 125,000 essays and reviews relevant to contemporary history.


Zeitgeschichtliches Archiv

The Zeitgeschichtliches Archiv contains 9 million thematically organized articles from hundreds of newspapers and periodicals in Eastern and Western Europe from the years 1946 to 1992. The collection also includes German-language press clippings from Neues Deutschland publishing house and the central press archive of the GDR. The history of both German states, their mutual relations and foreign-policy activities can be researched at the archive along with regional history and questions on cultural development.


Clio-online – Specialist portal for the humanities

Clio-online is a central access point on the Internet for humanities in the German-speaking world. The platform’s structured development and preparation of contents links specialized historical information with opportunities for interaction. It makes use of existing services of universities, libraries and research institutes while developing new services in close cooperation with participating institutions.



H-Soz-Kult is a specialist forum and moderated online information and communications platform for historians that publishes specialist news, book reviews and other material on the Internet.