Update EUROPAST project


Photo of the Kick-off meeting in Vilnius 

Under the title "Facing the Past. Public History for a Stronger Europe", the EUROPAST project gathers four institutions including the Leibniz Centre for Contemporary History, Vilnius University, the Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology (Lund University), and the Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH, University of Luxembourg). Led by Vilnius University, the project explores, among other things, the theory and practice of engaging citizens in the co-production and communication of the past in a digital age.

Here are some of the first half-year highlights of Europast:

  • From June 19 until June 23, 2023 the Lund University invites scholars to attend the first EUROPAST Summer School.
  • The article "The rustic turn during late socialism and the popular movement against Soviet rule" was published in Canadian Slavonic Papers journal (Vol. 65, Issue 1, 2023) as a result of intraconsortial collaboration
  • The political science journal POLITOLOGIJA announced a Call for Paper for a special EUROPAST-issue that wishes to examine how monuments, museums, and institutions have been used (and abused) to shape and communicate historical narratives. Deadline for submissions is August 20, 2023

You can now follow EUROPAST on Facebook and Twitter.

Find out more about the project: https://www.tspmi.vu.lt/projektas/facing-the-past-public-history-for-a-stronger-europe-europast

There will soon be a website for the project. For updates subscribe to the newsletter.