Chronicle of the Berlin Wall

Startseite der Website Chronik der Mauer


Using in some cases hitherto unpublished documents, film and audio material, photographs and eyewitness interviews, and on the basis of independent research, the dramatic events surrounding the construction and fall of the Berlin Wall up to the political reunification of Germany will be reconstructed and illustrated, and the most important moments of the German partition from 1961 to the fall of the Wall will be portrayed.

In the wealth of valuable and unusual material, leading politicians such as Willy Brandt, John F. Kennedy, George Bush, Mikhail Gorbachev and Helmut Kohl have their say, likewise Walter Ulbricht and Egon Krenz, generals and officers of the Ministry of State Security and the National People’s Army, as well as citizens of Berlin.

On a map of the city, you can head for 24 sites along the Wall and the former death strip in and around Berlin.
Comparison shots demonstrate how these sites have changed since the fall of the Wall in November 1989.

Furthermore, worksheets will be made available, in order that the contents of the page can also be utilised in the classroom.

The bilingual website will be continuously revised and updated and the content expanded.

Chronicle of the Berlin Wall (Chronik der Mauer) received the ‘Politikaward’ in 2011.

Chronicle of the Berlin Wall:
A Multimedia Documentation of the History of the Berlin Wall from 1961 to 1989/90.

Long-term collaborative project between the ZZF and the Federal Agency for Civic Education and Radio Germany

Project managers: Hanno Hochmuth, ZZF (until 2019 Hans-Hermann Hertle) :: Inga Jochimsen/Thorsten Schilling, Bundeszentrale für politi­sche Bildung :: Boris Bittner, Deutschlandradio :: Dr. Manfred Wichmann, Stiftung Berliner Mauer
Editor: Sonja Hugi
English translation: Timothy Jones