Libbie Katsev

Visiting Fellow

 Libbie Katsev, Visiting Fellow am ZZF Potsdam 2024


Photo: Jørn Berger-Nyvoll/UiT

Leibniz-Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung
Am Neuen Markt 1
14467 Potsdam

Aufenthalt: -

UiT The Arctic University of Norway
E-Mail: lka120 [at] uit [dot] no (lka120[at]uit[dot]no)


Who Sings the Revolution? Gender, Citizenship, Music and the 2020 Belarus Protests
PhD project

The project uses contemporary musical texts and practices to investigate diasporic Belarusian political imaginaries, with particular attention to the role of gender in these imaginaries.  Drawing on fieldwork in diaspora Belarusian music scenes, I aim to explore different ways music is imagined as or used to facilitate relations among a (potentially political) collectivity, and gender’s place in these relations. Additionally, I am interested in how different practices of making and circulating music are seen to reflect different sociopolitical forms, such as the nation-state or autonomous self-organization, for example. My work investigates these forms as they existed before, during, and after 2020, drawing on qualitative interviews, coverage of music in contemporary media and social media, and participant observation of musical events. 

During her stay at the ZZF Potsdam Libbie Katsev conducts research in Department I: Communism and Society .

More about Libbie Katsev here