Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin


Dr. Irina Gordeeva

Leibniz Centre for Contemporary History Potsdam
Am Neuen Markt 1
14467 Potsdam

Office: Am Neuen Markt 9d, room 1.22 
Phone.: 0331/74510-111
Fax: 0331/74510-143

E-Mail: gordeeva [at]


since 8/2022
Research associate at  ZZF Potsdam in Dep. I 

08/2020 - 07/2022
Associated researcher at ZZF Potsdam in Dep. I 


2017 - Lecturer in the Chair of History, St. Philarets’ Christian Orthodox Institute, Moscow, Russia

2013-2017 – Lecturer in Dept. of Medieval and Modern Russian History, Institute for History and Archives, Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow, Russia

2000-2013 - Lecturer in Dept. of Russian History of Modern period, Institute for History and Archives, Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow, Russia

Academic Qualifications

1997-2000Ph.D., Dept. of Russian History of Modern period, Institute for History and Archives, Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow, Russia, Thesis Title “The Communitarian Movement in Russia in the last quarter of the 19th century”

1994 -1996 Moscow Social History Program of the International Institute of Social History (Amsterdam, the Netherlands)

1992 - 1997 MA in History and Archives, Institute for History and Archives, Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow, Russia



Select Publications

Monographs and chapters:

“Zabytye Liudi”: Istoriia Rossiiskogo Communitarnogo Dvizheniia (Moscow: AIRO-XX, 2003; 2nd edition - Moscow: Common Place, 2017), Monographie

“Christian Samizdat on Religious Seeking of the Soviet Countercultural Youth in the 1970s to mid-1980s”, in Igor Mikeshin (ed), Eight Essays on Russian Christianities (St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg Center for the History of Ideas, 2020), 79-107. URL:

“Tolstoy as an Icon of Nonviolence”, in Anna Hamling (ed.), Contemporary  Icons of  Nonviolence (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2019), 24-46. (Peace Studies: Edges and Innovations)

“Izmena Rodine v Forme Begstva za Granitsu: Sud’ba Aleksandra Shatravki i Fenomen Pobegushnikov v SSSR”, in Mariia Nekludova and Elena Shumilova (eds.),  Russkaia Avant’ura: Identichnosti, Proekty, Reprezentatsii (Moscow: Delo, 2019), 175-209.

“‘Fighting for Peace is Everyone’s Job’: The Independent Peace Movement in the USSR and the Soviet View of Public Diplomacy in the 1980s”, in Óscar J. Martín García and Rósa Magnusdottir (eds.), Machineries of Persuasion: Soft European Power and Public Diplomacy during the Cold War (De Gruyeter Oldenbourg, 2019), 121-146, (Rethinking the Cold War, 3)

“Chapter 6. The evolution of Tolstoyan pacifism in the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union, 1900–1937”, in Christian Philip Peterson, William M. Knoblauch and Michael Loaddenthal (eds.), The Routledge History of World Peace since 1750 (Routledge, 2018)

“The Russian Radical Pacifists and International Solidarity in the 1920s – early 1930s”, in Bernhard H. Bayerlein, Kasper Braskén and Uwe Sonnenberg  (eds.), Global Spaces for Radical Transnational Solidarity. Contributions to the First International Willi Münzenberg Congress 2015 in Berlin (Berlin, International Willi Münzenberg Forum, 2018), 78-98 URL:

“Chapter 6: The Spirit of Pacifism: Social and Cultural Origins of the Grassroots Peace Movement in the Late Soviet Period”, in Juliane Fürst and Josie McLellan (eds.), Dropping Out of Socialism: The Creation of Alternative Spheres in the Soviet Bloc (New York, London: Lexington Books, 2017), 129-156.

“Glava 6. Sovetskiy Period v Istoricheskom Opyte Rossiyskikh Evangel'skikh Khristian-Baptistov”, in “Sovetskoe Nasledstvo”: Otrazhenie Proshlogo v Sotsial'nykh i Ekonomicheskikh Praktikakh Sovremennoy Rossii (Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2010), 159-200.


“The Religious Roots of the Pacifist Movement in the Russian
Empire and the USSR in the 20th century”, Reliģiski-filozofiski raksti XXV (Rīga: LU FSI, 2019), 242-263. URL:

“‘Pokolenie Dvornikov i Storozhei’: Etiki Truda i Trudoustroistva v Kul’turnom Undergraunde Pozdnego Sovetskogo Vremeni”, Elektronnyi Nauchno-obrazovatel’nyi Zhrnal “Istoriia” (ENOZH) 4 (78): Sotsial’noe i Vizual’noe v Istorii (2019) URL:

“Idei Nenasiliia v Zhurnale ‘Prizyv’ Ekumenicheskogo Kruzhka Sandra Rigi (1971–1981)”, Vēsture: avoti un cilvēki XXI (Daugavpils: Daugavpils Universitātes Akadēmiskais Apgāds "Saule") (2018), 83-89.

“Otkazy ot Voennoi Sluzhby i Formirovanie Patsifistkogo Dvizheniia v Rossii v Kontse XIX — Nachale XX века”,  Krest’ianovedenie Vol 3 # 4 (2018), 78-104 URL:

“Teatralizatsiia Povsednevnoi Zhizni v Kul’turnom Andergraunde Pozdnego Sotevskogo Perioda”,  Cultural Studies. Zinātnisko rakstu krājums / Scientific Papers, Vol. X: Sadzīve literatūrā un kultūrā / Mundane Life in Literature and Culture (Daugavpils: Daugavpils Universitātes Akadēmiskais apgāds "Saule", 2018), 52-60.

“Al’ternativnye Pasporta i Drugie Praktiki Simvolicheskogo Otkaza ot Grazhdanstva”, in Aleksandra Arkhipova and Dar’ia Radchenko, Gorodskie Teksty i Praktiki, Vol. 1: Simvolicheskoe Soprotivlenie (Moscow: Delo, 2017), 157-173.

“Iz Dokumentov po Istorii Lvovskoi Gruppy za Ustanovlenie Doveriia Mezhdu Vostokom i Zapadom, 1987–1988”, in Acta Samizdatica/Zapiski o Samizdate: Al’manakh 3 (4) (Moscow: GPIB, Memorial, 2017), 160-178.

“Tolstoyism in the Late-Socialist Cultural Underground: Soviet Youth in Search of Religion, Individual Autonomy and Nonviolence in the 1970s - 1980s”, Open Theology 3: Alternative Religiosities in the Soviet Union and the Communist East-Central Europe: Formations, Resistances and Manifestations (2017), 494-515 URL:

“Otkazniki, Evrei, Uchenye, Kosmopolity: Problema Sotsial’noi Bazy Nezavisimogo Mirnogo Dvizheniia v SSSR 1980-h godov”, in Trudy po Evereiskoi Istorii i Kul’ture. Materialy XXIII Mezhdunarodnoi Ezhegodnoi Konferentsii po Iudaike. Akademicheskaia seriia. Vyp.  54 (Moscow: Institut Slavianovedeniia RAN; Tsentr “Sefer”, 2017), 177-194.

“Patsifist Diversant: Istoriia Rossiiskogo Patsifizma Pozdnego Sovetskogo Vremeni v Biografii Yuriia Popova (1954-1999)”, in Pravo na Imia: Biographica 20 veka: 14e Chteniia Pamiati Veniamina Iofe,  20-22 aprelia 2016 g. (Sankt-Petersburg, 2017), 33-41.

“Khippi Brosa’ut Vyzov Istorikam: Sovremennye Problemy Sobiraniia i Publikatsii Dokumentov po Istorii Novykh Sotsial’nykh Dvizhnii (Na Primere Sovetskogo Nizovogo Mirnogo Dvizheniia)”, Vestnik RGGU. Seriia “DokumentovedenieiArkhivovedenie” 4 (6) (2016), 61-78. (with co-author Olga Zaslavskaia)

“‘Svoboda: Zhurnal Sistemy’: Iz Istorii Patsifistskogo Samizdata v Rossii”, in Acta Samizdatica/Zapiski o Samizdate: Al’manakh 2 (3) (Moscow: GPIB, Memorial, 2015), 90-105.

 “‘Vse Ludi – Brat’ia’: Yura Diversant i Gruppa ‘Svobodnaia Initsiativa’”, in Khippi u L’vovi; Almanakh 3 (Lviv, 2015), 271-313.

“Samizdat ‘Tolstovtsev’ 1920-h – Nachala 1930-h Godov”, in Acta Samizdatica/Zapiski o Samizdate: Almanakh 1 (2) (Moscow, 2013), 199-209.

“O Sovetskom Patsifizme: Iz Istorrii Nezavisimogo Dvizheniia Za Mir v SSSR (1980e gg.)”, in Trudy po Rossievedeni’u: Sbornik Nauchnykh Ttrudov 4 (Moscow: INION RAN, 2012), 339-365.

“Predislovie: Obschinnyi Mif i Obschinnyi Eksperiment v Istorii Rossii XIX – Nachala XX v.”, in Duran, Domenik, Kommunizm Svoimi Rukami: Obraz Agrarnykh Kommun v Sovetskoi Rossii (Sankt-Petersburg: Izd. Evrop. Univ.,  2010), 7-76.