Associated projects

Art in Germany and Poland - Pictorial Depiction of Migrants in Print Media – German (pop-)music - Advertising in the GDR - Das jüdische Auswandererlehrgut Groß-Breesen



Advertise without competition. A cultural history of private consumption in the GDR and its advertisements

Elke Sieber

Associated PhD project

What is the purpose of advertising in the planned economy, which seems to be free of any competition for sales? This dissertation project examines this fundamental question on the basis of the determination of individual phases in the development of domestic trade advertising in the GDR between 1948 and 1975

Das jüdische Auswandererlehrgut Groß-Breesen als überzeitlicher Referenzpunkt deutsch-jüdischer Lebenswege im 20. Jahrhundert. Flucht – Vernetzung – Neubeginn

Wiebke Zeil

Assoziiertes Dissertationsprojekt

Über den biografienzentrierten Forschungszuschnitt sollen die Themenkomplexe Vertreibung, Flucht und Emigration mit dem Blick auf die unterschiedlichen, teils mehrfachen Neubeginne in eine transnationale Langzeitperspektive gestellt werden. Fragen nach der Bedeutsamkeit des sozialen Netzwerks und der medialen Kommunikation dieser deutsch-jüdischen Gemeinschaft sind dabei zentral.

Family in an Audi 80 in front of 1970 built residential houses near Kästdorf for guest workers of the Volkswagenwerk Wolfsburg. Photo: Bundesarchiv, B 145 Bild-F040746-0034 / Schaack, Lothar / CC-BY-SA 3.0, Bundesarchiv B 145 Bild-F040746-0034, Wolfsburg, Gastarbeiterfamilie mit ihrem Auto, CC BY-SA 3.0 DE

Strange pictures. Photographic Identity Constructions of "(Late) Resettlers" and "Guest Workers" in Stern und Spiegel 1950-1998

Violetta Rudolf

Associated Phd project

With a diachronic study, the pictorial representation of "guest workers" and "(late) resettlers" in the German print media between 1955 and 1998 is to be analyzed in the PhD project. The research focuses on the question as to whether people with other ethnic backgrounds are also displayed differently at pictures. The sources for this work are photographs, photographic storytelling and photo collages of the German magazines Spiegel and Stern.

Associated projects

Art in Germany and Poland - Pictorial Depiction of Migrants in Print Media – German (pop-)music - Advertising in the GDR - Das jüdische Auswandererlehrgut Groß-Breesen



Advertise without competition. A cultural history of private consumption in the GDR and its advertisements

Elke Sieber

Associated PhD project

What is the purpose of advertising in the planned economy, which seems to be free of any competition for sales? This dissertation project examines this fundamental question on the basis of the determination of individual phases in the development of domestic trade advertising in the GDR between 1948 and 1975

Das jüdische Auswandererlehrgut Groß-Breesen als überzeitlicher Referenzpunkt deutsch-jüdischer Lebenswege im 20. Jahrhundert. Flucht – Vernetzung – Neubeginn

Wiebke Zeil

Assoziiertes Dissertationsprojekt

Über den biografienzentrierten Forschungszuschnitt sollen die Themenkomplexe Vertreibung, Flucht und Emigration mit dem Blick auf die unterschiedlichen, teils mehrfachen Neubeginne in eine transnationale Langzeitperspektive gestellt werden. Fragen nach der Bedeutsamkeit des sozialen Netzwerks und der medialen Kommunikation dieser deutsch-jüdischen Gemeinschaft sind dabei zentral.

Family in an Audi 80 in front of 1970 built residential houses near Kästdorf for guest workers of the Volkswagenwerk Wolfsburg. Photo: Bundesarchiv, B 145 Bild-F040746-0034 / Schaack, Lothar / CC-BY-SA 3.0, Bundesarchiv B 145 Bild-F040746-0034, Wolfsburg, Gastarbeiterfamilie mit ihrem Auto, CC BY-SA 3.0 DE

Strange pictures. Photographic Identity Constructions of "(Late) Resettlers" and "Guest Workers" in Stern und Spiegel 1950-1998

Violetta Rudolf

Associated Phd project

With a diachronic study, the pictorial representation of "guest workers" and "(late) resettlers" in the German print media between 1955 and 1998 is to be analyzed in the PhD project. The research focuses on the question as to whether people with other ethnic backgrounds are also displayed differently at pictures. The sources for this work are photographs, photographic storytelling and photo collages of the German magazines Spiegel and Stern.