Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin


Dr. Evgenia Lezina

Leibniz-Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung
Am Neuen Markt 1
14467 Potsdam

Am Neuen Markt 9d, Raum E.06
Tel.: 0331/74510-138
Fax: 0331/74510-143

E-Mail: lezina [at] zzf-potsdam.de


seit 2018
DFG-Projekt („Eigene Stelle“) „Die politischen und Machtressourcen der sowjetischen Staatssicherheit. Strukturen, Praktiken und Methoden des KGB im letzten Jahrzehnt der Sowjetunion“ am ZZF in Abteilung I "Kommunismus und Gesellschaft"
seit 2014
Senior Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin / Assoziierter Forscherin an der sozialpolitischen Abteilung, Analytisches Zentrum von Juri Lewada (Lewada-Zentrum), Moskau
April bis Juli 2017
Gastwissenschaftlerin am Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung
April bis September 2016
Gastwissenschaftlerin am Imre Kertész Kolleg an der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Ab Juni 2012 bis Dezember 2013
Gastwissenschaftlerin an der Bundesstiftung zur Aufarbeitung der SED-Diktatur Berlin (mit einem Stipendium der Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung)
Ab Januar bis Juni 2008
Visiting researcher am Davis Center für russische und eurasische Studien, Harvard University, Cambridge, M.A.
Forschungsprojektleiterin am Lewada-Zentrum und an der Internationalen Gesellschaft für historische Aufklärung, Menschenrechte und soziale Fürsorge „Memorial“, Moskau
Ph.D., Politische Systeme und institutioneller Wandel
IMT Institut für höhere Studien Lucca, Italien
M.A., Politikwissenschaft
University of Manchester / Moskauer Schule für Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften



Books / Bücher

  • XX vek: prorabotka proshlogo. Praktiki perekhodnogo pravosudiia i politika pamiati v byvshikh diktaturakh. Germania, Rossia, strany Tsentral’noi i Vostochnoi Evropy (XX Century: Working Through the Past. Transitional Justice Practices and the Politics of Memory in Former Dictatorships. Germany, Russia, Countries of Central and Eastern Europe) (Moskva: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, 2021). https://www.nlobooks.ru/books/liberal_ru/26259/
    *Awarded with the book prize “Prosvetitel-2022” (Enlightener) in a special nomination “PolitProsvet” (Political Enlightenment) for the best publication dedicated to the “current socio-political process and helping to understand its essence” 
  • Making an Enemy Out of Ukraine: How the Soviet KGB Was Forging Anti-Nationalist Discourse Later Revived by Russian State Propaganda to Justify Aggression (forthcoming)

Articles and Chapters in Edited Volumes / Artikel und Kapitel in Sammelbänden

  • From Mass Terror to Mass Social Control: The Soviet Secret Police’s New Roles and Functions in the Early Post-Stalin Era, in Social Control under Stalin and Khrushchev: The Phantom of a Well-Ordered State, edited by Immo Rebitschek and Aaron Benyamin Retish (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2023), 263–297.
  • Dogma versus Progress. KGB Technological and Scientific (In-)capacities from the 1960s to the 1980s, in Intelligence Agencies, Technology and Knowledge Production: Data Processing and Information Transfer in Secret Services during the Cold War, edited by Rüdiger Bergien, Debora Gerstenberger and Constantin Goschler (London: Routledge, 2022), 37–64.
  • The Soviet State Security and the Regime of Secrecy: Guarding State Secrets and Political Control of Industrial Enterprises and Institutions in the Post-Stalin Era. Securitas Imperii 37, no. 2 (2020): 38–69.
  • Rozliczanie przeszłości nazistowskiej w Niemczech Zachodnich: źródła ciągłości i zmiany w powojennej pamięci zbiorowej (Working Through the Nazi Past in West Germany: Sources of Continuity and Change of the Postwar Collective Memory), in Wina i kara. Społeczeństwa wobec rozliczeń zbrodni popełnionych przez reżimy totalitarne w latach 1939–1956. Studia i materiały (Warszawa: Instytut Pamięci Narodowej, 2015), 97–129.
  • K probleme rossiiskoi natsional’noi identichnosti (On the Issue of Russian National Identity), in Puti Rossii. Novie iazyki sotsial’nogo opisaniia, edited by Marina Pugacheva and Vasily Zharkov (Moskva: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, 2014), 162–179.

Other Publications / Weitere Veröffentlichungen

  • "Der Abfall der Sonderdienste“. Wie die Tschekisten Demokratisierung überstanden // Dekoder Specials "Der Anfang der Geschichte" 28.4.2023 https://specials.dekoder.org/anfang-der-geschichte/elitenkontinuitaet/
  • Die Angst Reagiert. Geheimdienste in Russland. Die Politische Meinung, no. 577 (November/Dezember 2022): 33–38.
  • Transformations of the Soviet State Security Bodies in Post-Soviet Russia, in Memory of Nations: Democratic Transition Guide (Prague: CEVRO, z.s., 2018), 7–17.
  • In Spanish translation: Desmantelamiento del Aparato de Seguridad Estatal. Transformaciones de Los Cuerpos de Seguridad Del Estado Soviético en la Rusia Postsoviética, in Memoria de Naciones: Guía de Transición Democrática – La Experiencia Rusa (Prague: CEVRO, z.s., 2019), 7–16.
  • Antisemitizm v Rossii: mneniia evreiskogo naseleniia (Anti-Semitism in Russia: Opinions of the Jewish Population). Public Opinion Herald 127, no. 3-4 (2018): 66-110. (With Lev Gudkov, Natalia Zorkaya and Ekaterina Kochergina)
  • Denatsifikatsiia Zapadnoi Germanii. 70 let s momenta zaversheniia programmy (Denazification of West Germany. 70 Years Since the Programme’s Completion). The Public Opinion Herald 127, no. 3-4 (2018): 193–207.
  • The Revival of Ideology in Russia. Eurozine, 24 March 2017. https://www.eurozine.com/the-revival-of-ideology/
  • VCHk i eie preiemniki: praktiki terrora i metody diskriminatsii (Cheka and its Successors: Terror Practices and Methods of Discrimination). The Public Opinion Herald 125, no. 3-4 (2017): 104–131.
  • Gemischte Bilanz. Lustration in der Ukraine. Osteuropa 11-12 (2016): 75–90.
  • Antisemitizm v strukture massovoyi ksenofobii v Rossii: negativnaia identichnost' i potentsial mobilizatsii (Anti-Semitism in the Structure of Mass Xenophobia in Russia: Negative Identity and the Potential for Mobilization). The Public Opinion Herald 122, no. 1–2 (2016): 140–197. (With Lev Gudkov, Natalia Zorkaya and Ekaterina Kochergina)
  • Liustratsiia i otkrytie arkhivov v stranakh Tsentral’noi i Vostochnoi Evropy (Lustration and Access to Archives in Central and Eastern Europe). The Public Opinion Herald 119, no. 1 (2015): 48–89.
  • Rossiia i Evropa 2000–2015: rezul'taty sovmestnogo proiekta Levada-Tsentra i Fonda Fridrikha Naumanna (Russia and Europe in 2000–2015: Results of a Joint Project of the Levada Center and the Friedrich Naumann Foundation). The Public Opinion Herald 121, no. 3–4 (2015): 181–193. (With Natalia Zorkaya)
  • Memorial und seine Geschichte. Russlands historisches Gedächtnis. Osteuropa 11-12 (2014): 165–177.
  • Pamiat', identichnost', politicheskaia kul'tura i poslevoiennaya germanskaia demokratiia (Memory, Identity, Political Culture and Post-War German Democracy), Otechestvennyie zapiski 57, no. 6 (2013): 162–176.
  • Iuridichesko-pravovaia prorabotka proshlogo GDR v ob’iedinennoi Germanii (Legal Instruments of Working Through the GDR Past in Unified Germany). The Public Opinion Herald 115, no. 2 (2013): 67–100.
  • Transformatsiia politicheskoi kul'tury v posttotalitarnykh obshchestvakh: postsovetskaia Rossiia i poslevoiennaia FRG v sravnitel'noi perspektive (Transformation of Political Culture in Post-Totalitarian Societies: Post-Soviet Russia and Post-War Germany in a Comparative Perspective). The Public Opinion Herald 111, no. 1 (2012): 32–63.
  • Nedomyslennoe’ raznomyslie postsovetskoi Rossii?, in Raznomyslie v SSSR i Rossii (1945–2008), edited by Boris Firsov (Sankt-Peterburg: Izdatel'stvo Evropeiskogo universiteta, 2010), 61–77.